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Jungkook POV

I finally come home from my last class if the day.

The flat is surprisingly quiet even though I know from Taes schedule that he should be home.

Maybe he went out.

I make myself some ramen and take it with me to my room to get some rest before starting on my homework.

And that's what would usually happen, what should have happened.

Only it didnt't.

Because soon I found out that Taehyung was indeed home.

Bis bed was banging against the wall to my room and muffled noises of pleasure along with it.

At first I only recognised my flatmates moans but soon enough there was someone's elses too.

A deep rough voice, growly and throaty.

A man's voice.

I try to if ignore those two as much as possible as I start working on my assignment.

Lucky for me I once again completely sank into what I'm doing, forgetting my surroundings.

I almost forgot what happened when I called my work quits for today and went to the kitchen to get my some banana milk.

"Hey Jungkookah" Taehyung emerges from his room down the hall, hair a mess l,  looking tired.

Nothing special, normally he would look like this after a nap but this time I know better.

"Hey" I half cough, for some reason nervous.

It's awkward, I can't look at him.

I heard his moans and imagine of what happened on the other side formed naturally in my mind and now I'm supposed to just casually chat with him?

Taehyung picks up on my weird behaviour, I feel him staring holes into my back.

"Since when are you home?" He asks, but I think he already vaguely knows the answer.

"Around 4pm" I almost whisper, finally finding the little bottle of milk, all in the back of my section of the fridge.

I want to flee but stay rooted to the ground, nervously.

"Oh, well guess I you know now anyway." He pauses and I know he's looking at me while I pretend to read the bottles kalories.

"I'm gay." He he says, confidently and strong ready to fight any homophobia.

"Well, I did figure that." I scratch the nape of my neck nervously, awkwardly laughing as I talk.

"You're not homophobic right?" Taehyung seems genuinely worried about my opinion on this theme. We've only known each other for days.

I shake my head quickly, first time of this conversation locking eyes.

Before I can do anything to protest he's in my arms, hugging me tight, body's pressed together.

I can feel his soft tummy through his shirt against mine and it makes my heard go all weird.

His head rests in my shoulder comfortably like it's meant to fit there.

Awkwardly I return the way to long hug, locking my arms around his back.

I'm not used to this kind of physical affection.

I never understood why people would be glued together all day, holding hands, hugging.

But I get it know.

It's warm and personal, comforting and mind numbingly filling one with a toasty warmth.

We pull away from each other and instead sit down on the sofa, infront of each other

I want to ask a million things.

Therese thousands of questions flowing through my brain.

Over ones sexyality but also more usual questions of getting to know.

Taehyung seems to read it from my face because he smiles and says, "ask away."

"Was that your boyfriend?" Comes out first, a question that was on my tongue since earlier.

"Nah, he was just an acquaintance of mine" Taehyung shakes his head.

"Wow" I breathe out.

Taehyung chucklea at my reaction.

"You couldn't imagine me sleeping with someone that I'm not in a relationship with?" He grins, stupidly handsome.

He scoots closer to me, holding my cheeks for some reason.

"How cute" he smiles big, "what an innocent mind" he giggles cute himself.

I don't know if that's a compliment but my cheeks heat up as he pinches them.

I'm sure they're tinted red like always when I'm enbarressed.

We keep talking for hours on end, laughing and smiling lots.

And that is how I found out that my flatmate is gay.

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