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501 11 7

Jungkook POV

I wake up on the couch, me and Taehyung are tangled in a mess of limbs and blankets. I untangle myself and try to gather my thoughts. That yesterday....

Did her really mean that or was it just some drunk babbling? And isn't he in a relationship with Jimin.

Perfect, lovely and potentially rich Park Jimin. Of course he is, how could he not... My yesterday also tipsy brain must've interpreted the situation wrong. There's no reason why he'd like me over him.

I get up, trudging into the kitchen to get myself some cereal. I watch as my roommate slowly regains conscious again as I shove another spoonful of the unhealthy breakfast choice into my cheeks.

He looks over, meeting my eyes directly. Did he know I'm staring at him? I choke but I manage to cough only twice. Avoiding his gaze on me I escape into my room like I always do. Does he remember yesterday? I defeatedly throw myself on my perfectly straight sheets.

I guess they're straighter than I will ever be. Although tipsy I can't deny how I felt last night. Just being in his arms made me forget it all, the Uni stress, hell even the girl I'm supposed to get with.

He felt like home. Like I was where I needed to be, his company calming my analytical brain and letting my feelings take over the next few actions. Maybe that is not so bad after all.

I drown myself in work. Tests for assignments, studying for upcoming exams, cleaning my room to perfection.
I try my best to ignore that urge to just walk to that other door in the hallway and look at that precious face again. Test if yesterday was a truth or nothing but foolishness.

„We need to talk" My flatmate breaks the ice between us as we sit on the couch again, some kind of Talkshow playing on the TV.

„Yeah..." I sigh, turning my body slightly into his direction to indicate that I'm listening. „You know what I said last night?" He clears his throat awkwardly, our eyes shortly meeting before we both look away in embarrassment.

He's gonna say that he didn't really mean it. That he's sorry for troubling me with his silly remarks, thanking me for transporting us both home. Thanking me for putting up with his weird clingyness so kindly.

But he doesn't. „What I said there...." He pauses to lock eyes with me, before his gaze drops again. My heart feels weird. „It's the truth" he continues, nervously fidelling with a string of his sweater.

Did those words really just leave his mouth?

„I remember telling you that I thought you were beautiful, right?" Taehyung's eyes lock with mine, his dark and intense. It's kinda intimidating, he's never looked at me like that. It's such a disconnection to his usual behavior, especially yesterday. The soft gaze filled with warmth has disappeared, dark orbs with a hint of nervousness piercing my soul instead.

I gulp, „yeah...". He's making a quite big deal out of this little drunk exchange.

„And I didn't tell you anything else?" His eyes have redirected to watching his fiddling hands in his lap. He seems nervous. Is there some kind off secret he's hiding from me? Sus.

„No you didn't" I try to read his facial expression in hope it reveals something about what he's referring to, sadly I only recognize relief washing over him as the words leave my mouth.

„I probably should have told you something about... me a long time ago..." His gaze remains focused somewhere down, fluffy strands covering his face, making me unable to see his expression.

It makes my stupid heart pick up it's pace. My brain is turmoil once again, not being able to calculate what kind of confession I probably have to be prepared for.

He sighs, he runs a hand through his hair, but it falls back into his forehead immediately. The slightly faded red matches the color of his torn lips that he has probably been biting in distress. What could worry bright, cheerful Kim Taehyung this much? It's worrying.

„Jungkook-ah I really...

The door bursts open in that moment, a perfectly styled Jimin standing in the doorway, „I brought donuts!", he exclaims happily.

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