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Jungkook POV

My head hurts so I don't open my eyes, the headache is killing me.

I shouldn't have had so much alcohol. I knew that I was setting myself up for this.

I move my hand to cover my eyes in order to block out the light above me that's way to bright. Even with closed eyes.

"Oh, you're awake" it sounds somewhere over me, confusing my slow brain.

I can feel the air around me move as the person, whoever it is leans over me, blocking the light and shadowing my face in the process.

I groan, unable to focus on figuring out where I am and who I'm with, too focused on the throbbing pain in my head.

Gently the unknown person strokes the hair out of my forhead gently, warm fingertips sending a shiver down my spine.

Eventually I relax into the careful massage, enjoying the almost homey warmth of their touch.

I take one more deep breath before slowly opening my eyes slightly to try and distinguish who that is caring for me.

Sharp, dark and warm eyes. Perfectly shaped nose almost making a visual guide line down to a pair of perfect lips.

Plump and red, defined cupid's bow. Pillowy softness dotted with moisture.

Suddenly an urge overcomes me and it's like I'm completly drunk all over again.

I close my eyes, slipping back into the comforting darkness of my closed eyelids.

With unusual speed for this state of mind I rush up, clumsily grabbing my flatmates chin.

I pull myself up and him down, seconds seaming to take forever until those soft pillows are on mine.

My head gets all dizzy from the too fast movement but I cling onto Tae's neck, feeling his soft hair while drowning in his hot kiss.

We're laying on the floor, his hands having found the small of my waist naturally and mine clutching his firery red hair.

My brain has switched into standby, body taking over and leading my every action.

I grab his arms desperately when our mouths pull away for a second before his returns.

On my neck, my collar bones. He kisses every spot tenderly, taking his time before giving some places a gentle nibble. One hand moves up to roam my chest under my shirt.

His soft skin, the almost unbearable warmth rushing through my body over and over again.

It seems too good to be true.

I let my arm slide down his side when suddenly the hands are gone, taking that delicious heat with them.


I reach up blindly again, not wanting to open my eyes. Our breaths are quick, nervous and trying to get air after what we just did.

Embarrassed about my hectic breathing I decide to focus on breathing steadily, keeping my eyes closed.

Soon it's quiet. Both having regained their breath and waiting in quietness.

My brain cells seem to activate one by one, clearing my brain to thinking more in it's normal ways again.

We kissed.

I kissed Kim Taehyung.

We made out.

I just came back from a meeting with a girl and he's basically in a relationship.

What did we just do?

I open my eyes slightly, just enough so that I can peak on the curled together boy Infront of me.

My eyes slowly adjust to the light, my head doesn't calm down a lot unfortunately.

For walls, to close for a normal roomade out of slightly reflectingetal of some sort, buttons with the nbers on them on one side.

We're in an elevator....

"Why are we in an alevator?" I look around confused like the walls will give me and answer. Or maybe I'm just avoiding looking at Taehyung.

"I wasn't about to carry your drunk ass up the stairs so I chose the elevator" His voice is quiet, a bit shaky.

He's rolled together in a ball of terror in one the edges, face hidden behind his kness.


Was that encounter so bad he wants to hide forever?!

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