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Jungkook POV

Hours later the both of us return home, stomachs full and satisfied and maybes bit tipsy from the sizzily champagne.

„Want to spend the rest of the evening staying inn and watching something on the tv?" Taehyung throws himself onto the couch in starfish position, eyes closed.

„I have to work on an assignment this evening still" As much as I want to just do nothing right now I have to be prepared. I don't have a lot of time left and my timetable for assignments and exams clearly says today is time to working an exam. Slightly intoxicated or not it's definitely better than not doing anything and messing the whole plan up.

About to walk away to my room a hand pulling on my dress shirt holds me back, untucking it in the process.
„Don't go!" My flatmate whines like a little kid that missed out on it's cookie. Well I guess he's a bit more the just tipsy. Oopsie...

As much as I try to pry him away, his sudden iron like grip pulls me back every time. He whines like a little toddler, lips pouting and pleading puppy eyes. „Just let me change into something more comfy, alright?" I sigh, giving up. Whatever, I'll just watch something with him.

I change into a loose shirt, hopping into my favorite grey sweatpants along with it. In an instant I feel more like myself again.
My heart absolutely drops when my gaze meets Taehhyungs.

He's sitting on the couch, blankets around him hair electryfied and a mess, arms open in expectancy, full faced smile taking over his gorgeous model looks.

Who could say no to that?

I plop down beside him, his arms latching around my body like his life depended on our skinship. His head rests upon my shoulder, arms locking tightly around my waist. I slightly return the hug, enjoying the sparks of warmth that seem to travel through his fingertips, through the fabric and into my heart.

Everything is soft, warm and so comforting. Deciding to just enjoy his alcohol enduced clingyness I let my hands travel to hold his body close to mine as well, the blanket on his lap flopping unnoticed onto the floor.

I can't recall ever having hugged somebody like this. Taehyung makes some sound of content as he buries his face in the fabric of my shirt, sniffing deeply. My whole face heats up at the action, hoping that this thing I threw on smells passable.

„You smell so good" He rubs his nose into the fabric, setting off some kind of circus in my stomach. My brain crashes, all other thoughts on hold. There's just Kim Taehyung in all his glory. Moments flash by my inner eye, images I tried to ban so desperately.

A half asleep Kim Taehyung with wet shower hair and no shirt in the kitchen, innocent stretching out those incredibly full lips as he paints something and I study beside him. His little excited jumping whenever I let him buy some really unhealthy food for our fridge, that boxy smile as he tells me about the fluffy plushy he wants to order online.

He makes me go crazy, In moments like this when for once the feeling takes over and my brain has powered off, or when he wants to buy some stupidly expensive thing that won't even fit inn the living room but it's cute.

Silently I let my head drop to rest on his shoulder as well.  His scent of sweet vanilla with a fruity hint of strawberry warms me up even more, that familiar feeling of safety and happiness flooding through me. The one I never felt with anyone before.

He pulls away aprubtly, keeping me at arm length. Our eyes meet in the dark, only the slight shine of the moon bouncing off our forms.

„Jungkookie?" He slurs the pet name a bit but I don't mind with that sweet, adoring ring in his voice. „Hmmm?" I caress his back, where my hands still rest. He seems to lean into the touch like a little baby puppy. I makes me giggle, stupidly, tipsy but definitely happy.

„You're shoo beaotiful" He smiles, Cheeks squishing upwards before he does the same with mine. „Smile! You have a goud smile."

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