~ 20 pt.2 ~

692 16 8

Jungkook POV

As we clear out all of our food, chat and laugh the sun goes down quickly.

Huddled together in a warm burito of blanket and Taehyung limbs we watch as the last rays of sun disappear behind the tall Seoul buildings.

Just then a droplet of water drops on my arm, the first of many.

I throw the blanket off, ready the pack our stuff and flee into our dorm building. But Taehyung holds me back.

"Let's stay out here" I look at him like he's crazy, it'll pour down like a waterful every second now. But this Idiot is just looking up at the sky with sparkling eyes."Like in the movies dance and kiss in the rain!" He smiles over his whole face, teeth shining.

I can't believe it. He really thinks that would be like in the movies. What a kid.

"Taehyung-ah, we'll feel gross and heavy because our clothes will be soaked. We will be cold and therefore catch a cold." I explain slowly, like talking to a child.

"Wow, you're not romantic at all!" He pouts but let's me stand up and eventually helps putting everything away too.

When we're inside our flat again we're already half soaked, feet in our shoes wet and hair sticking to our forheads.

We part ways, me to my bedroom and Taehyung to warm up in the shower.
I follow his example after he's done and get ready to go to bed for today.

Memories of today flash by. Memories I'll most definetly will never forget. The first ever proper date I went on.

Thunder sounds loud outside like agreeing with my thoughts. With that boy on the other side of the wall I could do nothing at all and I'd be entertained. He makes my stupid little weak race with the littlest touch.

But his presence also calms my soul. Like a comforting blanket of safeness that he'll be there of something goes terribly wrong. I never had that before.

A knock interrupts my thoughts and before I can even say come in, Taehyung slips inside, closing the door after himself.

His shoulders are a bit pulled up like he's scared, that absolute confidence in his stance nowhere to be found. He looks terrified, his hands might even be shaking a little if I'm able to tell from right here.

He looks adorable anyway.
"I'm scared of the thunder" he states matter of factly.

I nod, pretending to play dumb so he actually says why he's here.

Interested in that new side of him, I watch as he wrestles with his inner confidence.

"Cuddle with me tonight." He speaks fast, words transforming into one. He avoids my gaze, eyes locked on the floorboards in baressment.

I can't help the little explosion of Serotonin this causes me, making my heart go all soft.

"Come here!" I open my arms wide, ready to comfort him like he did so greatly for me earlier.

He slams into me full body, hips clashing together as we roll back onto my bed.

His hair is a beautiful red flame lookingess on my pillow, eyes looking up at me innocently, the fear gone for now.

His hands are around my waist like so often, that it feels like they belong there.

I haven't closed the blinds. The moonlight is illuminating his features.

Painting them in cold greyish light. High cheeks bones shining in the light, nose bridge exacurated from the light.

His cupids bow glows teasingly, drivingy attention down to those full, sinful lips that taste too good.

Without any warning I dive in, lips on his, warm and soft and heaven.

I let my arms drop my weight to instead tracing the outline of his collarbone that peaks from beneath his shirt.

I'm probably squishing him into theatress but neither of us seem to care. His hand travel up and downy bacl, exploring the shape of my shoulder blades with his hands.

My hands travel naturally under his shirt to feel the soft of his belly, sending a sparof warmth toy heart.

"Let's get those off!" He breathes heavily when we pull away, clearly referring to each others shirts.

There's a ding in my mind. I forgot something. Someone.

"What about Jimin?" I know I'm really breaking the mood here but now that I remember I don't want to be the person be cheated with on his boyfriend.

And he just laughs. What??

"Jimin is just a friend, he's naturally clingy towards me. And he went through a bad breakup recently so he needed more reassuring." He smiles so happily, that thunder fear having completly vanished.

He what?!

All this time I've been stressing about these two together when they aren't even a couple at all?

"So we can be a couple instead." He speaks quietly, looking away from my face. And I can't believe what I just heard there. My cheeks heat up in excitement.

"Of course, my beautiful boyfriend." I kiss his forhead this time instead, making him look at me

"Also he did try to make you jealous a bit." He smiles wickedly.I must look stupidly shook, because Taehyung giggles at my expression.

He tried to make me jealous on purpose all this half semester?

"Your shook face is adorable, Kook-ah" Taehyung squishes my cheeks, his own squished upward by his boxy smile.

Suddenly the thounder sounds loud, making him jump and retreat his hands.

His legs moving to hold me close, crotch to crotch. In intense unbearable heat travels from there to overtake my body.

"How about we wipe that stupid shocked expression off my face for now and you drown out that thunder, baby?" I watch as he turns slightly shocked before he plays it off with a smirk.

"Bring it on Jeon."


I hope you enjoyed this ff. Let me know about any gramatical errors and be sure to leave improvement ideas in the comments.

Have a wonderful morning, afternoon or night

And don't forget: You nice keep going💜


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