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Jungkook POV

And sure enough the call I've been dreading comes around the corner.

The sound of my phone ringing wakes me at 6am on a Saturday morning.

Eyes still closed and brain half asleep I answer without reading the callers ID.

"Hello?" I answer, voice groggy and rough from sleep and the time of day.

"Jeon Jungkook!" The angry woman's voice rings through my ear from the speaker of the phone.

Wincing, I hold it away to protect my precious ears.

I'm really in trouble.

When your mother uses your full name you know that it's the last day, time to pass away.

"Yeah, mom?" I decide to play clueless innocent soul, making sure my voice sounds high and angelic.

"You're dating a guy from college?!" Here we go.

I silently listen to her furiously explaining the phone call she had with the date girl the other day.

"Are you gay?!" She ends her speech, leaving me trembling.

I hoped she wouldn't ask so directly. Because I don't wanna lie and I don't even know the answer.

I could answer easily: is that true?, are you and that boy really a couple? Etc.

To those I could've easily answered no without lying.

But am I gay?

"That was my flatmate Taehyung, he was just trying to prank me." My voice sounds a bit shaky, for which I could hit myself.

I hope she doesn't notice that I didn't directly answer her question.

"Well, if you say sooo..." Her voice trails off, syllables hanging doubting in the air.

"You could just stop trying to set me up, you know." My voice is a whisper and I half hope she didn't hear it.

I don't know why I decided to test my luck today. Maybe the adrenaline rushing through my blood from the question before rose to my head.

"Well you could just choose a girl already!" She raises her voice again, the loud sound ringing painfully loud through my eardrums.

Bit that's the thing. I never really found one that tingles my interest.

Girls are awesome. They're sexy, they're hot. And even better they are intelligent and caring.

But that spark to make it more than just friendship was never there.

Jennie was the one that ever came closest to that.

I wonder how she's doing.

Since she changed schools we've kinda gotten out of touch.

Maybe I should try finding one of her social media profiles and hit her up again?


That boy is over again.

The pretty one. That has such a kind smile that I can't even justify how much I don't like him.

Whenever we've seen each other he was polite. Respectful and kind.

For some reason I don't like it.

Him and Taehyung are really close.

It makes my stomach twist seeing them glued to each other, like always when couples just get to touchy in public.

When Tae's as hang around the youngerams shoulders comfortably, head leaning against the others as he story the food he's making.

I silently close my door, stepping fully I go the hallway.

I might not like to be I'm the company of those two together but I won't miss a fresh coocked meal.

Silently I plop down on my usual spot on the couch.

I try to let the giggles and conversation behind he blend into the background, trying to focus on my tying.

"Jennie Kim" I type into instagrams search bar.

The first two profiles are not her.

One of a little girl, liking to post about every Disney Princess amd the other one a European girl with curly clomde hair and shining green eyes.

Not her either.

The 3rd one it is:


Soon the be makeup artist💅

Well that's pretty cool.

I scroll down to look at her latest post.

My jaw drops.

The girl I knew seems gone.

The cute school uniform and the sky blue backpack switched out for a figure huggi.g dress.

Hugging the curves of her  hips, velvety and expensive.

Damn she got sexy.

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