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Jungkook POV

Jin's duck restaurant


You better be there young man!

I sigh, closing the chat with my mom.

Today's the day. The day I'm gonna meet another candidate for a partner in my life.

Taehyung beside me on the bus seat seems to notice my foul mood and lack of excitement.

He sticks one of his airpods I to mine instead so we can both listen to his song.

It's a quiet piano piece, soft harmonies and beautiful high melody.

"Relax, I will save you if it goes horribly." He winks at me playfully, abviously trying to lighten the mood.

And it somehow does.

When I enter the restaurant alone, 2 minutes after Taehyung so we're not suspicious the situation doesn't seem as black anymore.

Maybe it'll be nice to talk to someone, maybe it'll just click.

I follow the waiter towards table 15 where a beautiful young lady waits for me.

Unintentionally my jaw drops, admiring the girl before me.

Is she really my date?

She stands up to bow to me and I respectfully return the gesture.

She has a naturally beautiful face, soft features and big dark eyes.

Her smile is all gummy and her shoulder length black hair shines healthily.

She's dressed in a peach colored dress that reaches to her knees and has a little ribbon tied into a bow, exsentuating her waist.

I glance at Taehyung for a quick moment, who sits a few tables further in the back.

He shows me a thumbs up.

We agreed on a sign to call for help, and he will miracilously come up with soms sotuation in which I need to leave.

His words not mine.

"I'll do it on the spot, I'm a spontanious person"

Again his words not mine.

It's not going too bad. We're talking about interests, university,


Her father is a preacher?!

Oh god.

She's the preachers daughter.

I was wondering how someone as beautiful as her is single.

Guess that has something to do with it.

I smile awkwardly, hoping that it doesn't show.

And from there it goes south. It must've been a solid 30 minutes of her telling me about quotes from the Bible that she knows by heart.

I glance at my flatmate who is switching between sipping his coffee and whatever he's doing on that phone of his.

I position my thigh so he can see it where he's sitting, slapping it under the table 3 times.

That's the sign.

I switch to his direction again and he hasn't even looked up from his screen.

What do I do now?

I keep smiling and nodding along as I hit my thigh like a million times in panic.

"Jungkook, why are you hitting your thigh?" Ooh  no she noticed, what now?!

What now!

"Um well" I stumble.

"Jeon Jungkook!" My name sounds loudly throughout the room, many pairs of eyes going to the boy who spoke it.

Kim Taehyung musters me with dark eyes,  cold and angry.

It sendy a terrified shiver down my spine.

What is he up to?

In long, dramatic struts he arrives at the table and I look up to him, confused.

Did he really have to make a scene infront of the whole place?

He redirects his glare at the girl, sitting opposite me now, like he's giving me the cold shoulder.

"Excuse me Sir, is there a problem?" She asks politely, ignorimg Tae's burning stare.

"A problem?!" He shouts and I want to hide, I want to crawl into a hole and never come back up.

This is the most terrible candidate I could have ever chosen to save me from a blind date.

"This boy right here is mine!" He, points at me, full on yelling into the poor girl's face.

She looks like she's about to cry, it doesn't surprise me.

I on the other hand hide my face behind my hands, despretly wishing this scene is over any second.

Taehyung pulls me up by the arm, now standing beside me.

"Don't dare lay a finger on my boyfriend ever again you witch!" And with that last screech he turns around to strut away, pulling me with him.

I shout a few "I'm sorry"s back into her direction before the restaurant door closes behind us.

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