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Jungkook POV

Saturday evening, a warm breeze lays in the air as I make my way to the bus station alongside Taehyung. It's the day of our so called "double date". Jimin made reservations for the four of us in some kind of expensive looking restaurant place. I only know because I googled the name earlier.

How four broke university students got a reservation there? No idea.

Maybe Jimin has some connections to an employee or smth there. I really don't know a lot about the guy for how much his been in my and Taehyungs flat. Guess I never really tried it get to know him a lot...

We both get on the bus, sitting beside each other on the dark blue seats. Taehyung enthusiastically tells about this new art project he's been working on. We discuss his ideas, and it's surprisingly fun to come up with my own interpretation of the theme and what one could paint to fitte criteria.

Soon enough we arrive at our stop, only a few meters away from the red with golden accented house.

I smooth out the wrinkles in my suit pants and make sure my white dress shirt is bottomed up correctly and tucked i the pants in perfection.

Infront we meet Jimin, who immediately hugs Tae and hesitates and shakes my hand instead. Awkward. I really should try to be ore open, outgoing and pay attention to the people around me more.

Thankfully my own date rounds the corner making me forget all about my nonexistent social abilities.

Kim Jennie is always stunning but today...
The front strands of her hair are pulled back in a neat plat while the other hair is curled stylishly. She's owning the off shoulder dress in pure black satin, the sheer sleeves with gentle embroidered rose pattern fitting with the little silver earrings in the same shape. A thin and fragile looking silver chain trailing down into her cleavage, my face positively heats up as I follow the chain until it ends right before the fabric starts again. Her heels almost reach her knees in tight, black, matt leather, giving the elegant outfit the badass vibe that fits her perrsonality.

„Your drooling" Jimin on the other side of Taehyung giggles, pulling my thirsty brain back into reality.

Right, we're here for dinner.

„Let's go inside guys" I try to smile confidently but I'm sure it just looks like a grimace.
The place is gorgeous.

I feel out of place in this extremely posh place. Sure, my family is quite good off but I never seen anything like this before. Through the heavy dark wood door we enter a foyer, black and white marveled flooring, fancy af looking reception thingy.

A shandelier is reflecting light onto the floor infront of me, dangling meters above our heads. That is probably worth millions. For that price you could buy me.

„Reservation for Park Jimin" Jimin talks to the guy at the reception.

We're lead into a huge room, just as fancy as the one before only that here are tables and chairs and people are eating and quietly chatting. A guy plays piano but nobody seems to even notice him. Poor guy.

I sit down, I hope elegantly beside Taehyung on the couch, our dates sitting across from us. „Like in the movies" Taehyung mentioned all smiley before.

„Order anything you want guys, it's on me today." Jimin smiles kindly but at this moment in this place it seems even more kind. Who offers to pay for their friends in an expensive restaurant like this?

He must really be an angel.

„What are you getting?" I ask Jennie across from me, her eyes scanning the menu.  It's all excessively expensive.
„I'm thinking of getting the lobster, you?" she looks up at me dark lashes framing the shape of her eyes.

„Probably some kind of pasta" I turn another page. There's way too many to choose from. You can't expect me to choose only one out of all of these, right? That is impossible.

„Getting lost in the pages Kook-ah?" My flatmate besides me somehow reads my mind, looking up from his own menu, I nod helplessly.

I keep scanning the letters and the numbers with too many digits. „Let me recommend you some stuff, I've been here before" Taehyungs voice gets louder as he leans closer to see where I'm at.

He's been here before. Guess this must be a regular for Jimin then.

Picking up my gaze from the page to see where Tae is looking my breath stops.

He's way closer than I would've imagined, head basically an inch away from mine.  His eyes remain glued to the page but I can't help but to wonder at his glorious features.

My heart thumps loudly against my chest to a point I hope that only I am able to hear it. In awe of how concentrated this boy is on finding me something to eat my date completly slips my mind. Jennie and Jimin are left forgotten band from my brain.

There's only Kim Taehyung everywhere, a collage of all our little moments, everything we've done together like a film about the past.

And then he leans away, pointing to something on the card and the moment is over.

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