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Jungkook POV

"How was the test?", I plop down beside Taehyung at the cafeteria table, sliding my tray on the table.

"Gonn fail" he mumbles with a full mouth, poking around in his food with the chopsticks.

Poor rice getting stabbed all over again and again.

I start eating too, enjoying the comfortable silence between the both of us.

"You wanna go to a party with me gukah?" Taehyung turns to me, letting his chopstick stay stuck in the rice ball.

A party?


Those two things should never be used in the same sentence.

Party's are loud, messy, dirty, and hectic.

That doesn't fit with me.

"No thanks" I shake my head before taking a sip of my water bottle.

"Come one! I'll even babysit your boring ass." Taehyungs tilta his head, eyes big, lips in a pout.

So childish but so irresistible.

Who could say no to that face?

I sigh and he knows he's got me, cheering loudly while throwing his arms into the air.


"You look great in my clothes!" Taehyung musters my form in the mirror, eyes seemingly hungrily eating up ever detail.

It makes a cold shiver run down my spine.

"Absolutely not!" I pull on the skin tight leather pants that suffocate my thighs, struggling to lift the material off.

"But you're booty looks delicious in those pants!" Taehyung, let's his gaze drop just there absolutely shamelessly.

I turn absolutely red, my cheeks look like two cherry's in in the mirror.

"Stop it!" I quickly covery behind with my hand, desprate to have him focus on something else so I feel less anxious.

"And that ripped up red and black jumper thing is sensational on you my child!" Taehyung excitedly jumps up from my bed, picking on said piece of clothing and draping it perfectly.

I have to say, I look quite different than usual.

Hair pulled back messily, ripped up loose shirt complementing the way too tight pants. My eyes appear even darker because of the eyeshadow Taehyung applied earlier, lips tinted slightly .ore red than Natural.

The prim and proper image gone, I don't fit in this room the way I look anymore.

We get to the house by bus, wave of loud music greeting us outside.

Taehyung greets a few people while I just bow and stand by like a submissive pet.

A waiter goes by, offering a glass of something way too blue and smelling funny.

I take one never the less.

When we finally get through the crowd in the front garden, we enter the highest house I've ever seen in real life.

It's surely 3 stories, held in cream white and grey tones, water fountain on either side of the front door.

"This is my dear friends house" Taehyung smiles brightly from ear to ear.

"Let me present the glorious Kim Seokjin!" Taehyung has to almost scream over the noise.

Kim Seokjin looks as posh as this house. Dressed in a velvety, light pink shirt and white suit trousers that hug his legs just the right way.

"Oh hello. Whose that cutie you brought with you today?" The gorgeous man giggles, shamelessly letting his eyes travel over my body to slow for comfort.

Sheepishly I dropy gaze to the ground, feeling the need to find a blanket and hide for the rest of the night.

"Meet my roommate, Jeon Jungkook" Taheyung smiles as brightly as ever.

"Flatmate" I mumble to correct his sentence, so quiet that noone can hear in this noisy environment.

"Well then be my guest you two" Seokjin steps aside, opening the door wider to let me and Tae slip inside.

I bow as we do so.

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