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Jungkook POV

I lay out the red and white checkered blanket on the grass, lacing stones on the endges to make in more obedient to staying on the ground. The spring wind is still a bit fresh at this time of year. So a Picknick outside might have not been the best idea...

I set up the Tupperware boxes with fruit and unhealthy snacks in a perfect square, colourcoordinated and placed right in the middle of the blanket. I leave the tea bottle in the backpack, hoping it will keep it warm longer.

All set.

No only my date is missing. Taehyung texted he'd arrive shortly late because he missed the bus he planned to take back to uni after getting some groceries for us.

I sit down looking out over the almost empty field off the camps, only a few people having had the same idea as us. Warm hands sneak around my waist, making me jump for a second before I recognize that familiar scent of vanilla shampoo.

I lean back into Tae's touch, enjoying how secure I feel in his arms. He sits down beside me, letting his own bag fall beside him unto the grass. „Wow, you prepared a lot" he looks through my boxes of food amazed, eyes wide like a little kid.

Adorable. „You remembered to bring me pizza with pineapple?" he lunges for the Tupperware, excitedly hoping up and down. „Of course I did" I watch as he already digs in, eyes closed like they do in the commercials.
I laugh as he continues to eat, making amazed hmmm sounds as he chews. „Don't act like it's a 5 star meal!" this is literally takeout from yesterday. I shake my head at his silliness.

„Well, I don't care" He smiles, cheeks full off food as our eyes meet. „How cute" I tease, poking his cheek jokingly. He almost chokes on his food as he laughs, only further supporting my laugh flash.

„Why didn't you visit your family yet?" Taehyung asks, as he throws a strawberry in his mouth. Well that. Everybody always visits their family when they get some time off. Not me. family is supposed to make y feel like you could be at home anywhere when you're with them. Not mine.

„We're not close." I take a sip of the still at least a bit warm fruit tea. For me family is merely blood. Whenever I see them it's always about grades, my future or what I'm supposed to do. They like to tell me how I should be living, what I should act and be like. It's pressuring, depressing.

There's not those funny board game evenings that one can see on TV shows, no unconditional love and support for one another. Just a casualty of controlling everything so my every move goes according to my parents will of who I should be.

Taehyung stays silent, probably recognizing that he hit a weak spot. „They're quite controlling and judjemental, it's pressuring" I sigh, avoiding my eyes. I've always been taught that I need to have the best grades, the most well rounded personality and good connections to make it. I need to be the perfect example of a typical manly man that works and provides for his stay at home wife and two kids. That was always implanted in me.

But look at that sweet guy beside me. He is chatting, sometimes too loud, always shares his opinions and does what he loves and here he is, just as successful as everyone else. Far from perfect but so am I, just that I try to hide it. I guess that is why people sometimes don't like me, because I can't afford to show weakness.

„Come hear!" Taehyung spreads his arms wide, motioning me to come over to him. He's so good at reading me.

I crawl into his arms, letting him hold me close and safe, hands rubbing my back comfortingly. He deons't talk but he calms me down non the less. Alone his presence, his soft strokes calm my body and mind down.

We sit there for a long time, I between his legs as he hugs me from behind. Head resting softly on my shoulder, intertwined hands resting under a fluffy blanket in my lap. I feel at ease, so utterly safe and sound, free and supported. Loved.

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