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Jungkook POV


nce again me and Taehyung and me are not alone in the apartment.

Perfect, nice, lovely Park Jimin is here.

I don't know what they're doing but I can hear giggling through the wall.

I don't care.

I've got somewhere to be this evening.

I check my outfit in the mirror once more before nodding at my reflection satisfied.

Dark jeans hug my hip and slim waist nicely, silky dress shirt unbottened a little bit and tugged in on one point.

Good enough.

I grab a jacket ony way out and rush down to the street, where my ordered taxi is already waiting.


I hand the driver the cost and I turn towards the pub.

It lies hidden from the main city, hidden in the shadows of a little back street.

There's not to much Musik seeping outside from the cold, stone brick building and it's stained glass windows.

I check the address and make sure I'm at the right place for the last time, before pushing the heavy door open.

The inside is dark but not too dark.

It's not really rustic but also not modern.

A nice compromise.

In theory it is dark, but there a millions of little lights from fairy lights dunking the whole room into a warm yellow glow.

Light wooden bar with it's stools almost complelty occupied.

There's music coming out from the speakers but it's not drowning out the soft rustle of conversation or making the floor vibrate with it's bass.

This seems more like a friendly meet and drink together thing than a full on party club.

Which I'm thankful for.

I enter further passing tables and looking for a familiar face.

"Jeon!" I hear someone shouting.

I plop down on the opposite bench of the table Jennie is sitting.

"Wow." I mentally scan her familiar but also strangely new face.

Full lips are painted a shiny redish tone, eyeliner on point and subtle eyeshadow exsentuating the perfect shape.

Hair pulled back into two uneven, yet perfect buns on her head.

She laughs at my astonished face, light and freely.

"You're not too bad either" she stumbles out between giggles.

This time I join her laughter.

And it's just like we're back in 5th grade.

Sitting there on our table in the cafeteria munching on the food and secretly exchanging snacks.

"What have you been up to, Park Jimin?" She takes a sip of the beer infront of her, calling a server to bring me.

"College." I pause shortly "major in business" I bow, as the waiter softly puts down the dark green bottle of Soju infront of me.

"What about you?", I pop open the bottle, taking a sip.

"Dance major in Seoul University of arts" She smiles brightly when our eyes meet.

Her smile is still the same. The same familiar shape, so familiar and comforting.

And suddenly it's like we're kids again.

We talk and talk for hours, about everything life has been throwing at us through the years.

Laughing at the weird things we'd done.

We acted like 5th graders, giggling loudly,  making wild gestures and not sitting still.

That part of it was probably rather the glasses of beer we downed together though.

Not being used to drinking a lot of alcohol I got rather tipsy early.

Around the 3am mark my brain produces one coherent thought.

Drink some water to sober up and get myself a taxi back to my place.

And that I do.

I grumpily, still slightly swaying inmy step rummage through my pocket to grab the keys.

I surely stand ther for 3 minutes like and absolute idiot before giving up on the keys and ring the bell.

Sure enough a few seconds later the door makes aittle click noise to show it's open.

It's a funny noise. I wanna hear it again.

Without second thought I repeat the action for earlier, fondly staring at the door in expectation.

Man I'm drunk.

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