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"Okay class!" Jimin jumps at the clap his professor made coincidentally right beside him. You see, Jimin was more out of it than he was paying attention today since Jungkook had decided to wake him near dawn to fuck and who was Jimin to deny such an amazing offer.

His hips hurt from being held open for so long, ass stinging every time he sat down and not to mention his thighs that seemed to take the most abuse with Jungkook marking them up all that he could. Hand and finger prints bruising him there in the best way possible. Though his libido has been sedated, that didn't stop him from begging the Gods to spare him from any dancing or doing anything today.  

"Today is going to be really fun!" Jimin continues to beg and pray he didn't have to dance. "Today we are playing a little game that will determine your upcoming performance."

"You see here," Mrs. Choi gestures to a clear plastic bowl of small peices of paper. "We have a good amount of genres varying from Rock to Country to Pop and to Jazz. This bowl will be passed around and one person of each partnered group will pick ONE piece of paper, am I clear?"

The class resonates with 'yes' and so the bowl begins to be passed around.

"And NO CHEATING!" Mrs. Choi points accusedly but you can see the playful gleam in her eye. "You can't be looking into the folded pieces of paper and choose a different genre just because you don't like it."

"Yes Mrs. Choi!"

So then the bowl is passed around whilst everyone is discussing their fated genre quietly. You can hear some whines hear and there disappointing some groups while others let out small voices approval. Finally it was Jimin's and Jungkook's turn to pick.

"Who should grab it?" Jungkook asks, excitedly from the edge of his seat.

"You can do it, baby." Jimin smiles nervously. "I'm scared."

"Don't be. I'm sure we'll get something we can both manage!"

Jungkook gifts him his lovely bunny smile to which Jimin becomes putty for. He smiled back at the beaming raven haired and nods his head, agreeing with him. "Alright, so choose one already!"

"Okay, okay, don't get your panties in a twist..." Jungkook banters. "...but if you're gonna do it anyway, invite me baby."

Jimin rolls his eyes when Jungkook sends him a flirty wink his way though his cheeks turn red as he is still not used to it. "Just pick already."

Jungkook laughs and quickly steals a kiss without anyone noticing since they weren't known to be back together even though it should be painfully obvious with the rings on their finger, and continues on with picking out one of the last pieces of paper left. He hands the bowl back to Mrs. Choi without opening the piece of paper and opens it when he sits beside Jimin once again.

"What does it say?" The silver haired nibbled on his bottom lip, waiting for a response.

"...we got Indie Rock."

"Rock?!" Jimin gapes. He's never sung any Rock songs nor did he listen to it so he was very well panicked inside. "I-I don't know how to sing anything in Rock!" 

"Don't worry, Minnie!" Jungkook smiles reassuringly. His hands reach to caress the panicked face to soothe any of his worry away and sure enough, Jimin's tense shoulders relax. "I'm very familiar with this genre and let me tell you, I think there's a few indie songs out there that'll suit you perfectly. Trust me."

Before Jimin could give any response, Mrs. Choi calls for class attention.  "Alright! So every group has a genre, yes?"

The class hums in agreement while Mrs. Choi proceeds with the assignment. "Great! Continuing on the rest of your upcoming performance, as you can very much see, Mr. Choi isn't here today. That's because he's each sick." Mrs. Choi pouts, having to leave her dramatic but loving husband at home.

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