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"W-where have you been...?" Hoseok jumps at the sudden sound of Taehyung's voice. He places a hand at his chest as his shoulders relax. Taehyung's mind, which had been racing with bad thoughts and full of worry was now at ease at the mere fact that Hoseok is physically okay but now as he sees him, he had other things to worry about.

"Gosh Taehyung, you scared me," Hoseok says as he places his keys on the hook near the door and quickly took off his shoes, completely ignoring Taehyung's question.

Hoseok didn't dare pay any attention to the way his voice sounded stuffy or the trembling whimpers that wrongfully escapes his lips. He won't pay attention otherwise he'll feel guilty. Guilty of not being the person Taehyung needs him to be and guilty of selfishly keeping Taehyung from someone who could be the perfect someone for him.

"I asked you a question, Hoseok." Taehyung wipes the tears that newly escapes his eyes. He eyed the hickeys on his neck, the bruising on his lips of the aftermath of kissing so much. He even wore the same clothes as yesterday. It was all way too much. "Where were you?"

Again, Hoseok didn't answer him. He walked into the kitchen as if Taehyung didn't even say a thing. It was starting to irk Taehyung.

Taehyung follows him to the fridge and grabs onto his forearm, turning him around so that he could look into his eyes. "I'm talking to you. Stop ignoring me."

"I was at a friends house, okay!" Hoseok snaps, roughly pull his forearm out of Taehyung's grasp and continue to open the fridge to grab a water bottle with a frown on his face.

"Please don't pass me as a dumbass because I'm not! I can clearly see the hickeys on your neck. I was fucking worried sick while you were out there fucking some whore! I didn't sleep all night thinking something had happened to you. Do you not have a fucking conscience? Do you not care about me?"

"Do not call him a whore." Hoseok was furious. He had felt bad before for Taehyung so he had held in his annoyance but now that he was badmouthing Yoongi, he couldn't tolerate it. He wouldn't.

Taehyung was speechless. He couldn't believe he was defending some other guy he was fucking. Taehyung was his boyfriend. He was the one he was sharing a bed with every night. He was the one he had told: "I love you". How can he be so cruel and make him watch all the dirty things he does? All the things that he does that hurt him to his very being?

"Are you serious?" Taehyung was honestly astonished. He couldn't believe he was being replaced by a guy who he just spent the night with. Was it the sex? Was it so good that he would rather have that than the love Taehyung could offer him?

Was he not enough?

God, he hoped he was. He hoped he wasn't the one who failed in the relationship.

"I-I'm not in the mood to fight right now, Taehyung. I'm tired and I just wanna sleep." Hoseok finally looked at him.

He was right. The guilt came to his chest like a ton of bricks as he witnessed the red swollen eyes filled with upcoming tears. The way he gulped and bit onto his already swollen red lip to keep the tears from falling onto his crestfallen face. The dark circles under his eyes from probably not sleeping all night. God, he was so fucking selfish for keeping him in this relationship but he couldn't let him go. No. He wouldn't.

Hoseok loved Taehyung. He really did. He just-he just needed time to mature. To finally feel the need to settle down and he wanted it to be with Taehyung.

In the end, it'll always be Taehyung.

Even so, his mind drifts off to cloud nine with Yoongi. Even so, his mind makes Taehyung turn to dust when he's with him. Even so, he can't help but not feel any remorse or guilt when he's with Yoongi.

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