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   It's raining cats and dogs outside. Y/n has locked herself in the room the whole day which is making Malleus worrier than ever. She got sick easily, starving herself only makes thing worse.

Malleus: Y/n!! 

   Malleus knew Y/n so well that even if he was the one to call her name in such situation, she wouldn't respond.

Malleus: Your friend is here, open the door!

   Before Y/n got the chance to decline, a familiar voice called out to her, sweetly saying her name.

Y/n: Rook-san!!!

  Seeing the woman he loves hugging another person making him feel jealous, he hates the blondie so much that his fangs are showing. Y/n didn't notice that, unlike Rook, who was sharp, he even able to "smell" the anger coming from his "prey".
  No one knows that Rook is Y/n's favorite senpai, how did he got here and why would Malleus allow him to meet Y/n is a big question.

Rook: You look... This is breaking my heart...

Y/n: Rook-san?

  Rook is placing both his hands on Y/n's cheeks, carefully examining her face. He then shook his head like something bad happened.

Rook: Your skin is also in a bad condition... While I'm here, I'll take extra care of you.

Y/n: Y-You'll stay?

  Y/n immediately looked over to where Malleus is, who already hid his anger and jealousy and acted like nothing happened. No word could describe Y/n's feelings at the moment, she's more than happy to have someone other than her maids and Diasomnia's students around. She gave Malleus a tight hug, tears of joy streaming down her face as she said thank you. Little did the girl know how the two men is staring at each other, the hunter who is looking straight at his prey and the dragon looking down a mere human who dares to come for its treasure.

Malleus: Eat something first, will you? I'll have the chef-

Y/n: No need to, I'm fine cooking on my own.

Rook: I can cook if you want me to~

Y/n: Great idea! I haven't tasted your food for a long time.

Rook: Will be back in a minute~

Malleus: You didn't know where the kitchen was, did you?

Rook: No worries, I already take a good look while your friend led me here.

   Y/n was about to take a peek at what Rook is going to cook for her but Malleus was one step ahead, he held Y/n's hand and forced her to stay.

Y/n: Is something wrong?

Malleus: Yes.

Y/n: I believe it's something related to Rook?

Malleus: Right.

Y/n: ... Alright, ask me anyway.

Malleus: Who's he to you? Other than an upper class.

Y/n: He's.... Uh... A close friend?

Malleus: Even more than Deuce and Ace?

Y/n: Not really...

Malleus: Then WHAT?

Malleus accidentally tighten his grip, Y/n's facial expression showed how painful it is as her eyebrows clenched. 

Y/n: Ah..!

  Malleus let go of her hand, quickly kneeled down, checked the wound. He then licked it, which surprised Y/n, the cold, wet touch made her shivered, soon,  the wound was gone, her hand is healed.

DIASOMNIA [Yandere!Malleus x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now