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Y/n: What did you just call me?

Malleus: Princess.

Y/n: How do you know? I mean... 

Malleus: We've met before.

Y/n: I don't recall..

Malleus:  Soon enough, you'll accept the fact that I'm the one who you belong to.

Y/n furiously rushed outside, how can one be so stubborn. Ace was standing at Diasomnia's lounge when Y/n got there.

Y/n: Morning, Ace!  Where is Grim?

Ace: Uwa! You scared me to death. Uhmmm.. Who are you? 

Y/n: Nice joke, is Grim still asleep?

Ace: I'm being honest, who are you? Don't come any closer! You sure have no boundary as a stranger!

Y/n: What?

   Malleus showed up, he stood between Y/n and Ace. It's strange that Ace can recognize Malleus while he didn't realize her. After speaking to Malleus for awhile, Ace left the dorm. Malleus enjoyed seeing the confusing look on Y/n's face, he sat on the couch, drinking his morning cup of tea. Y/n couldn't calm herself down, how could Ace forget his best friend. She ran over to the door, she hates how Ace left her here with Malleus. Unfortunately, no matter how much strength she used, the doors simply won't open, like there's some sort of force blocking it. Her worst nightmare has come true, she and Malleus were the only ones here. The students are probably studying at their classes, Y/n hates to admit, she was trapped.

Malleus: Take your time.

Y/n: Yeah? I won't say a word to you, starting from now.

Malleus: I'm used to being ignored.

Y/n: Alright, you win, tell me why did Ace forget about me?

Malleus: Well, you're at a foreign land where things work based on magic.

Y/n: So?

Malleus: Magic can do anything, including erasing someone's memories.


Malleus: Not only Ace Trappola, but the entire place is under the control of my magic, so.. no one remembers you, except for me.

Y/n hates how powerful he can be, yet, he used his magic for such purpose. 

Y/n: I couldn't imagine the great Malleus would do something like this.

Malleus: What's the point of being the greatest if you can't have one's love?

 Malleus then put his tea cup down, he took a step, then another, shorten the distance between Y/n and him. 

Malleus:  What I want, is your love, Y/n.

    Y/n warned him not to come any closer. Yet, he only stopped when Y/n was cornered.

Malleus: Like I said, there's a lot of time to get to get to know each other, take your time.

  With just that, he kisses on her forehead, Y/n was shivered of such act. It was gross. She pushed him away.

Y/n: You-

 Without letting her finished, he forced her into a kiss, took his chance and bit on her lower lip until it bleeds.

Y/n: ...bastard.

Malleus: Well,  this bastard just had your first kiss, didn't he?

   Malleus smirked, giving her another soft kiss on her forehead.

Malleus: Sleep now, my princess.

With just a single finger snap, Y/n slowly fell asleep again, before shutting her eyes close, she saw Malleus carefully lift her up in his arms.

DIASOMNIA [Yandere!Malleus x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now