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                           "You're one hell of a stubborn girl"

Deuce: We're so careless, also Y/n, what's with that dress?

Y/n: Long story...

Grim: If I knew that guy is planning on something, I wouldn't agree with him. Sorry Y/n...

Ace: Where's our "beloved" principal anyway, he always disappeared when we faced such troubles.

     Y/n and her friends finally got to the Mirror hall, Lilia did something so Malleus's magic didn't work anymore, that's why the students can remember Y/n. Before Y/n could get through one of the mirrors, Grim's leg was pulled by a vine, making him fell onto the floor.

Grim: Hey! What's the big idea?

Malleus: Aren't you that annoying raccoon?  I see... Heartslabyul students are here too.

Ace: Yikes... Malleus.. what's with those glowing eyes? Those dragon scales too...

Malleus: Get back here, Y/n or else your friends would suffer. 

Deuce: No way we're going to hand her over.

Malleus: I don't ask for your permission.

    The thorns surrounding the place started to grow and spread out, they held onto Ace and Deuce's hands, keeping them in place, the thorns were so sharp that they pricked onto the Heartslabyul students' skin. Y/n wanted to help them but a part of her was scared, she couldn't even lift her hand or feet to run. The students from Diasomnia finally caught up with Malleus, they didn't seem to be on Y/n's side, they seemed to be hypnotized and would obey whatever Malleus order them to do.

Riddle:  What's with all this?

  Lady Luck seemed to be smiling on Y/n, the Dorm leader of Heartslabyul was finally here. 

Malleus: Riddle, mind taking your precious students back to your Dorm? They're wasting my time.

Riddle: I would love to, after dealing with all those mess you caused us.

Malleus: Us?

Azul: Yes, us.

Leona: I don't want to take part in such stupid activities but you're literally overdo it, prince or whatever..

Malleus: Well then, I've got nothing left to say.

   Malleus started to lose patience, the faster he deals with those annoying people, the better. He immediately do the same to the head of the dorms as what he did to Ace and Deuce, however those thorns wouldn't hold them back for too long. Leona turned them into sand as soon as he laid his hand on. Azul quickly regained Diasomnia's students consciousness with his magic while Riddle was focusing on saving Ace, Deuce and Grim. 

Azul: We seemed to saved most of the students, what about the prefect?

Leona: Well, Riddle, do something to the magic of that Malleus.

Riddle: My unique magic won't work, the amount of magic Malleus has is too much.

Leona: Lame magic you had there..

Riddle: What did you say!??

Azul: Oh dear... Look, we've got bigger fish to fry.

 Malleus completely turned himself into a dragon, spitting fire everywhere.

Leona: My my... He went on a rampage. 

Riddle: RETREAT! 

Azul: I hate to say this, but let's find more help before returning for another fight.

DIASOMNIA [Yandere!Malleus x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now