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Lilia: This is why you should listen to me from the beginning.

Malleus: I should've known.. 

Lilia:  It's too late to save her now.

  Lilia held a book in his hand, tore every single page and let them fell on the floor. 

Malleus: You changed the story, humiliated the Mistress's heritage under the name of our dorm.

Lilia: I am not casting aspersions on any individual, especially the patriarch of Diasomnia. I just wake you up and fulfill my mission.

   Before Lilia could lay a hand on Y/n, Malleus blocked his way. Never in his life, Malleus hates the way Lilia smiles like he is. Malleus respected Lilia, the reason why he spare him for the wedding accident was because the relationship between them both. Malleus didn't think that one day, his closest one would betray him like this.

Malleus: Why?

Lilia: It's because of Y/n.

Malleus: How come?

Lilia: How come? HOW COME? YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE LEADER OF US... Yet, you can't even control your feelings for a mere human!

Malleus: No one can deny their feeling when it comes to love. Yes, I can put my feelings aside but I will regret not having her in my life.

Lilia: She's yours now, happy? I'll kill that brat and end your relationship with her here. How lucky, Y/n, even when you're dead, you're his wife.

   Lilia teleported himself to where Y/n is and caught her in his arms, with the sword in his hand, he stabbed it through her heart.

Malleus: NO!

But not a slightest sight of blood was seen, Lilia was so shocked, he was ready for another stab when Malleus pushed him away with such force that broke his arm when he crashed into the wall. 
  Malleus hugged Y/n tight while he's turning into his dragon form with wings and fangs growing, his green eyes glowed. The dragon kept his treasure near in order to protect it, so is Malleus.

Malleus: How dare you..

   Meanwhile Y/n, who was unconscious, found herself standing in the middle of nowhere, it's all black until a spot of fire lighted up. Y/n followed it, the faster she walked, the more those fire spots appeared until they united into one giant fire ball. However, Y/n didn't fell the heat, it wasn't hot though she was standing right next to it. As fire ball slowly getting dim, she stepped back knowing that something weird is going to happen. Before the place got all dark again, the fire ball turned into a huge egg, more specifically, eggshell only.

Y/n: Could it be...

     Y/n gently lifted it up, nothing happened, then put it back. A small whisper, right behind Y/n's back. It was no other than Lilia.

Y/n: Why is he here and why is he a baby?

Maleficent: Y/n L/n.

Y/n: HOLY F-! I'm sorry, I mean, mistress...

Maleficent: Let's get to the main point of why you're here.

   Maleficent took a few steps towards the egg and looked at it for a while before continuing their conversation.

Maleficent: I have one request, save this child.

Y/n: From what? How? I'm nothing but a useless human being.

Maleficent: If it's true then I would never accept you as my dear child's bride. Yet, you are more than just a normal human being, you're one of us. A hybrid, still..

   Y/n was shocked, that means Maleficent knew her parents and where Y/n from. Nonetheless, there's no time, she wanted to get into the main point. Y/n is still a bit confusing about Maleficent's request, however, she has to try. Y/n swears to whoever's up there, if this stupid event in her life ends peacefully, she would never come to Diasomnia ever again. 

Maleficent: Remember, you can only use this once. Use it wisely.

  That's all Y/n can remember, Y/n didn't dare to question the Mistress's intention, Malleus's life is at risk and so is Lilia's. She opened her eyes, Lilia was lying in blood, Malleus went out of control and was still holding her in his arm tight.

Y/n: Malleus? 

  As soon as Malleus hear Y/n's voice, he turned over to the girl, let out a sigh of relief. Y/n got to admit, Malleus looks scary, but for some reason, Y/n felt like she shouldn't be screaming or running away so she gave him a quick hug before getting off of his arms.

Y/n: I don't feel like asking what just happened here.... What a mess..

 Malleus couldn't say a word but admitted that he has overdone it, for Y/n's surprise, Malleus cried. Yes, his tears are falling down his cheeks, his dragon form was replaced by the usual look. She was about to help Lilia when Malleus grabbed her hand. Y/n brushed his hand off  but he did it again, the fact that Malleus is a jealous baby was true after all. 

Y/n: Malleus.. Lilia did nothing wrong.

Malleus: Yeah, except for the fact that he almost succeeded in assassinating you.

Y/n: He did? 

  Malleus nodded, still not letting Y/n go.

Y/n: He just wanted the best for you. 

Malleus: You're the best person I could've asked for.

Y/n: No, I'm not. Lilia is.

Malleus: Y/n.. Are you.. perhaps...

Y/n:  Here we go with your imagination again..

Malleus: Trying to dump me and be with Lilia?

Y/n: WHAT?! Seriously? He's not even close to my type.

   Listening to their dumb conversation, Lilia couldn't help but let out a giggle. Malleus sure has a point to think of it like that, but one thing for sure, Y/n is being serious about helping an old man lying in his own blood right in front of her. 
  Y/n took the flower Maleficent gave her, put it next to Lilia, the flower absorbed Lilia's blood as its petals slowly turning red. Picking the flower up, Y/n put it onto Lilia's left chest, where his heart is, the flower disappeared, Lilia's injuries are no longer there, his broken arm was completely healed.

Malleus: Huh.. Never thought I will see that flower again.

Y/n: Done. 

Malleus: One last question.

Y/n: Can I skip? 

Malleus: I'm your husband and I have the right to ask you.

Y/n: What kind of husband are you?

Malleus: The perfect one.

Y/n: Nope, I'm getting a divorce.

     It was at that moment, Lilia took place, pushing the two apart while he stood in between. He smiled at Y/n. Whether if it's him taking a revenge on Malleus or not, Lilia did something unexpected that day, he kissed Y/n.


Author-chan: Wanna see something scary next chapter?? ( ̄へ ̄)

 I'm kidding.

  OR AM I?

Updated: 26th July 2023, most of these chapters are written in 2020,2021, I even have a draft in Dec 2022. Kind of disappointed in myself ˙◠˙ Anyway, enjoy reading~

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