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"When the wind really blows, the whole tree moans right down to the roots, which is where I am."
There are many ways to start a new day, for Rook Hunt, he took watching and digging deep into people's life as a way of training his instinct of self-preservation. Don't get him wrong, he was not much of a stalker but a mere hunter.

"Roi des Lions et Roi de sa chambre.."

At the moment, Rook is watching both of them through his binoculars. So far, they seem to not notice they're being watched.

Y/n, who was sitting nearby on a sofa, quietly staring at Rook. He's been like that ever since dawn.

Rook: If you keep undressing me with your eyes, I'm gonna catch a cold..

Rook put down the binoculars and looked back at Y/n making her lowered her head to the floor.

Y/n: I didn't mean to look, I was just curious.. Sorry.

 Rook: He locked us both in the room. I wonder what he's up to.

Y/n gave him a shoulder shrug. She has no idea, Malleus has always been an unpredictable man. Rook gave Y/n the look which can be translated into: "Do you want to get out of this place?" and a smirk, Y/n shook her head, she's not in the mood of pissing Malleus even more than she already did.

 Y/n: You go without me, I'll stay.

Rook: You sure?

Y/n was certain so she simply nodded.

Rook: Alright, I'll be back.

He can feel it, the pressure, must be Leona coming towards this direction. How exciting, he just got out and already being pursued by the Housewarden of Savanaclaw. Of course Rook wouldn't want to be killed, not yet, he found himself a perfect spot to go to.

Rook: Monsieur Sleepyhead..

Silver opened his eyes with a frown on his face.

Silver: Aren't you supposed to be dead by now?

Rook: Why of course not, how can such terrible thing happen to me?

Silver: Right... What do you want? 

Rook: Help me find the way back to where Vil is.

Malleus was sly, using his magic to hide the students and the teachers away. So maybe, Rook thought to himself, his close ones are the only ones to know exactly where each destination is.

Silver: Put the sword down first.

Rook: That won't do, you'll resist. And your friend...

Rook looked up, Sebek Zigvolt was aiming for his head.

Silver: Get down here.. Do you want me to die?

Sebek: Tch.. Fine.

Rook: Lead the way, I don't have much time.

  Leona traced back to the tree where Rook and the other two met minutes ago but he found nothing. Just like the three just vanished into thin air.

Idia: Traces of magic.. 

Leona: Great, now what?

Idia: Already informed Malleus, unless you wanted to go on a killing spree, go ahead. I'm just gonna sit here and-

Leona: Quiet!

Just now, Leona heard a rustling sound, he pushed Idia aside, causing the tall man to fall to the ground. 

Idia: HEY! What the f-

Leona has every good reason to do so. They are being attacked. At the top of the tree lies a portal to the jail where Rook is putting an attempt to free as much students as he could. Leona, on the other hand, knocked those out and threw them back. Now that may look like a funny scene but it's not, Leona, with his good physical form, quickly got inside and closed the portal.

Leona: Sneaky rat.

Rook: Why Roi des Lions, good to see you still in good form.

Leona: Why wouldn't I be? To die by my own hand would be your greatest pleasure.

Rook: We'll see about that.

Rook was cautious of his own safety, after all, Leona's signature spell is powerful when it comes to a duel. While the two is fighting to death, Epel reopened the portal for a short time and got out. He managed to grab a branch and climb down.

Epel: If he thinks putting a portal there is a good idea then he's wrong.



Epel accidentally punched Idia and knocked him out.

Epel: O-oh.. It's just Idia.. My bad.. Have a sweet dream.

He ran away. Rook said that Y/n was locked at a room facing the East of the dorm, so Epel is trying his best to get there before Malleus returned. He climbed in through the open window.

Y/n: Epel? What are you doing here? Where's Rook?

Epel: Uhm... Fighting Leona-senpai?

Y/n: Why would he- 

Epel: No time to explain, let's get out of here first..


A laser beam blasted to the window, almost hit Epel's head.


Epel: Uh oh..


Author: ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )YAYYYYYYYYYY! NEW CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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