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   It was a lovely night, you were on a night walk outside the Ramshackle dorm while Grim was so lazy to follow along so he decided to stay inside his room and take a good sleep. Suddenly, you heard a singing voice "Someone must've had a good day huh" you thought and followed the delightful sound. The owner of the voice was a tall man with pale skin and ... horns? Even though you already knew that this school is full of surprise like magic and stuff, you couldn't help yourself but hiding behind a tree and keep staring at those horns of him, wondering what species do those horns belong to. Another thing that gets your attention is that not only he was singing, he was dancing, with some sort of mannequin which is also wearing the school uniform from the same house as his, that sure creeps you out. 

 "Who's there?" The man stopped as he sensed another appearance around.

   You were a bit scared of being figured out, but soon overcome that feeling of yours and stepped out of the tree that you're hiding. 

   "Uhm... Hi? Sorry to interrupt... I didn't mean to." 

  "Oh. The one infamous human in our campus."

  ''You know who I am? ''

  He ignored you and put the mannequin aside which kinda left you in embarrassment.

  "I heard you sing, it was quite nice."

 "Thank you, but I don't like it when someone approached me sneakily" He took a few steps closer to you. "The name is Malleus, Malleus Draconia."  

  You slightly bowed before him "Y/n L/n. I guess you knew pretty much about me huh.. the infamous human" 

    "The Ramshackle dorm is not a place for you, it was my secret place. But since you moved here, I guess there's no reason for me to call it a secret anymore." He looked at Y/n, up and down, judging them carefully. "Move to my place then, human. This is not your place after all."

    "W-wait what?"

     "I won't repeat it twice."

    He was cut off by a voice yelling out his name, It's getting louder each times. 

    ''See you tomorrow then.'' 

     As soon as he finished his sentence, he's nowhere to be found. You walked back to the Ramshackle dorm, laid down onto your not-so-comfy bed and slept. It was strange that you couldn't sleep as you normally do. You kept turning left, then right, the creaking sounds of your bed keep going til morning.

   "Morning~~ Uwa! What happened to those eyes of yours? " 

    "I can't sleep...." You yawned tiredly "Could you keep quiet for a moment, Imma take a nap, real quick.."

  "Nope, not gonna happen. Hurry! Change into your uniform, we're gonna be late! I don't wanna miss my free and yummy breakfast made by Trey." 

   Food is the only thing that keeps Grim feels motivated every single day. After being rushed by the hungry cat-like creature, you somehow got into your clothes and ran to your classroom. There stood a crowd as soon as you opened the door. 

  "The hell are they looking at?" Grim questioned as he flew up high just to see a tall figure sitting at the first row. "Yucks..."

   "What did you see Grim?" You saw nothing as the other students blocked your way, they don't seem to like the thing they're looking. 

    ''Why is he here?'' A student whispered to another one.

    ''Yeah, he usually stays at his place, why all of a sudden..''

   "BOO!" You jumped with widen eyes, heart dropped, nearly let out a scream, followed by a small laughter. "Malleus, found them!" 

   "I know."

   "How did you know that Y/n's here? I mean, there's not a sign of magic that could be sensed." 

   "Human's scent, quite unique I must say." Malleus focused on the book that he's reading, still, managed to replied to another Diasomnia's student. 

  "Alright, call me if you need me, I'm off for now!" The not-so-tall male student lightly pat on Y/n's head and ran off. Malleus noticed and wasn't pleased at all.  

  '' Sit, we've got some times before class begins.''

Updated date: 23/07/2023

DIASOMNIA [Yandere!Malleus x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now