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 There he was, Lilia Vanrouge, the knight in the shining armor . He swung his sharp sword, cutting that long hair of his. Y/n was standing not far from him, she called his name, but her voice wouldn't escape from her throat. Lilia then turned his head, he looked like he's saying something. She woke up the moment his voice was about to reach her.

Y/n: What are you trying to tell me!??

Y/n sat up straight on her bed, her arm was reaching out for something in the air.

Y/n: That dream... What was it about?

  It's the third day staying in Diasomnia, yep, Y/n does count the days she stayed here as there's nothing else for her to do. Y/n didn't want to stay here one bit. New clothes were put on the bedside table, it was Diasomnia's uniform, a female version of it, Y/n has no choice but to change her clothes, her current clothes needs to be washed. Malleus is not here, which made Y/n feel so relief. After checking all the rooms, Y/n got to the kitchen, ate her breakfast. The windows of every single room in the dorm were casted a spell so it won't open. No hidden tunnel, no portal, no nothing. Not a single device for her to contact her friends, even if she could find one, none of them remember who she was. She felt impotent, tears streaming down her face, but they were wiped off by one's hand.

Lilia: Oya? Why are you crying?

  Y/n shook her head and looked away but Lilia was a patient man so he didn't give up that early. He sat opposite Y/n, resting his chin on both of his hands while his fingers are knitted together. Being stared makes Y/n feels uncomfortable, so she decided to face him.

Y/n: There's no point telling you why.. except for Malleus, no one remembers who I am.

Lilia: Who said I forgot about you, Y/n my child?

Y/n: I knew- wait, what? 

Lilia: Y/n L/n, right?

Y/n: Yes..?

Lilia: Then you shall tell me why you are crying.

Y/n:  How can you not be affected by Malleus's magic?

Lilia: I have lived long enough to be that child's opponent. 

Y/n: You look like a child... No offense.

Lilia: Then-

Malleus: What are you two doing?

  There he is, the most annoying man in this land. Y/n wasn't good at hiding her facial expression, she was surprised seeing him at the kitchen's door. Lilia did a good job keeping his smile while facing Malleus though looked mad at this point. He was exhausted of the amount of work Crowley just caused him to solve and all he saw when he got back was Y/n talking to another man. Oh how he imagined that she would welcome him, still that imagination of him were shattered into pieces by Lilia. Before Malleus could say a word, Lilia started to tell some lies, as expected from the sly vice housewarden of Diasomnia.

Lilia: Dear Malleus, you're back just in time. Y/n was missing you so much that she started crying, I just came by and couldn't help but comforting her.

  Lilia turned his head, facing Y/n, he winked at her, asking her to play along. There's not much of a choice so Y/n decided to cooperate, she started sobbing and wiping the tears off. Malleus felt his fury started to subside seeing his loved one in tears. Lilia's plan worked so well that Malleus even apology and promised to cook dinner for them tonight. Lilia "happily" left the room, Y/n knew she would have to endure staying with Malleus if she wanted to get back with her friend.

Malleus: I'll get back sooner next time.

   'Nope, just stay out there as long as you could' Y/n thought.

Malleus: I have an announcement.

Y/n: What is it?

Malleus: We're going to have a wedding.

  A wedding? This is too much for her to handle. Marriage isn't what she expected in this relationship, they couldn't even be friends, let alone becoming husband and wife. Lilia heard it all, his smiled disappeared. Malleus has exceeded his limit, and someone needs to stick a hand in to solve the problem.

DIASOMNIA [Yandere!Malleus x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now