[REWRITE] Chapter 2 - Contact

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"Your Majesty has entered! Please calm down!" was commanded.

The voice of her majesty's assistant echoes off the tall, neon pillars and acrylic paintings that adorn the walls of the chambers, which depict significant events in the history of the nation. She is sitting in one of the numerous battle-themed paintings that run down the walls around her.

The fourth-generation regal queen of Alervon, Queen Savannah the IV, stands firmly in charge in an ottoman upholstered with a finely described pattern, draped in golden cloth, with seat padding made of wool and the softest materials. She observes a messenger delivering a message while seated on the royal throne among her royal nobles, the parliament, and high-ranking members of her military staff:

"According to incoming reports from the ARN Wunderle, they observed an unidentified flying object pass by their craft and that it was making an effort to contact us by light signals.

Even though she was a monarch and never served in the military, Queen Savannah was a powerful figure in her country's society. As she turned to look at the sole Head of the Navy, Lady Jeba Lee, who was looking back at her, she bowed and gently replied:

This messenger informed your Majesty that this flying object had somehow managed to broadcast back to one of our patrolling fleets. "We employ light signals when we communicate ship-to-ship, your Majesty.

Savannah was informed by the navy's commander that Jeba Lee was confused as to what this item was and why it would make initial contact with its vessels. Additionally, the explanations are omitted because this is the first time they have heard them. Knowing that this world has remained untouched since the first civilization made its first movements by dividing oceans and regions, Savannah should be wary and receptive to first contact while discussing the next logical answer.

When Queen Savannah noticed Rosemary Filler, the current captain of the first royal guard wyvern squadron, she and those who were next to her immediately bowed in respect. Rosemary Filler stood out among the crowd at 6'1", her golden hair shining more vibrant than the sun, the armour she wore adorned with metals, and the bravery that she was rewarded for and accompanied by her soldiers.

She asked in a direct voice, "Your Majesty, what services can we offer?"

"Rosemary, if we can make it land on your wyvern airstrips, have one of your wyverns intercept this flying object and attempt contact, and have this thing be taken to a current air base."

Although bringing it to the capital seemed absurd, hearing this was shocking, and other nearby aristocrats who didn't know what this monster was thought less favourably of the proposal.

Why would Savannah pick that plan?

some chitchat.

They all stood up and again bowed, even though Rosemary and the rest of her group were less inclined to do so because they believed it would take them to a crucial place that would endanger the entire country. "Those flying things might be from the first civilization! For the sake of our country, decline that order!" they exclaimed aloud.

As desired, Your Majesty. With one caveat, though: if the object chooses to project its hostile intention towards us, we may respond in self-defense.

"Request granted," Savannah replied. "In the event that this flying object has any ill-intent, take it and hand it over to the bureau of RAD."

They bowed once more as they departed the throne room. The audible wooden thud of the door slamming shut overshadowed the room's hushed murmurs of concern as the nobles and parliament became aware of their concerns about a flying object.

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