Chapter 11 - The Thurfrimian Empire

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Merdevas Continent.

December 12, 1773.

Underground Facility.

It wasn't something he expected as the arsha Diplomat thoughted that he would take a ride on a Plane, but instead, what he got was a sub.

Inside the Underground Facility, Submarine line in a row, up as each of them were being Maintained, among the Submarine few were different than the others as these had no deck guns or any armaments for a submarine.

For the diplomat, he wasn't impressed as the Merchant submarine had no weapons, he then looked at the captain, and ask him.

"So this is the Submarine we'll be heading to the Granola?" The diplomat asks.

"Yep, and this is better than anything we can have, with this we can hide from the Dievs vessels or their planes" the captain replied.

The diplomat then looked at the submarine as he looked around to see a missing piece, as he then asked the captain again.

"Captain, this Submarine has no deck guns or any weapons how will we defend ourselves without any weapons?" The diplomat asks.

"Mister Emmett, Merchant Submarines are not designed for combat, so Tropedos and deck guns are not needed; and not only that The dievians don't even know what the hell is a submarine!" The Captian replied, which the Diplomat then said.

"Well, I guess we are at the safe zone, but how long we will make it to Granola?"

"Unfortunately it's a month or 27 days, and it will be a lengthy one till will make it" the captain replied.

The diplomat hears his answers as he will be joined and be with his crew for 27 days to Granola, Even though their sub has no weapons, the crew will be the one to protect it.

The diplomat then looked behind the captain as the Crew of the Merchant Sub had arrived, he sees them carrying food and water as some were carrying Rifles and submachines for self-defense, the Diplomat sees that this trip is a long one as he will spend with them for 27 days.

"This will be a long one," he thoughted.


The thurfrimian Empire.

The Royal's Thrones.

December 12, 1773.

The queen after hearing the name of the Nation was made her miss it as she deludes from the answer.

"Empire of Japan? Don't be ridiculous a nevered heard of a Nation at the 5th called Empire of Japan" she said Dismissing the answer, but even though she dismisses it, she then asks other question.

"Even if this Empire of Japan, wins against the aetesian Have you have any information about their Arm forces or Navy?" She asks the Messager said.

"Unfortunately your Majesty, but We don't know about their equipment neither their Navy; our spies have no any intel about them or our secret wyvern squadron got any Good Words about them, as of now" the messages replied.

The queen, made her very suspicious about Japan, as her Own Spies and her secret police force have information about them, she thoughted that making a Demand against them would make Japan make Peace or make them be a colony for them, but due to the lack of information on Japan made her think of another solution.

"Have our remaining Spies at Sollan to keep an eye on the Royal Palace and this 'Japan' and have them report within a week!" The queen asks.

The messager was not too ideal of the plan, but he was a messager of the empire which he said.

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