Chapter 21 - Greater Call

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January 2, 1774.

The royal palace, Sollan, Kingdom of Alervon.

A week passed since the surprise attack occurred by the Thurmifiman empire, and the city was beginning to take shape, many of the destroyed buildings, now have changed with the help of locals and Japanese workers, the central city was in stable condition, even now workers could be seen constructing newer buildings and the central part of the sollan was still active as before.

Inside the royal palace, the queen watches the city being recovered, with the sight of Japanese engineering. She was partially happy that her kingdom was being aided by the two great powers.

"get me into a closer look," she asks.

"yes your highness" 

The maiden accordingly grabbed the two handles between the chair, and soon push the Queens towards the window, she was unfortunate that she would sit down in a wheelchair, and she had some limitations to see the full picture of the city, even with that; she could see the port at the window with the sight of the city being rehabilitated and she was moderately pleased to see.

Even in this beautiful scene, the Queen begins to remember her only daughter to commit to the war alongside the Japanese, it is something she couldn't imagine her only daughter dying in the war, and she couldn't bear to hear it, even that, no reports of her daughter's battalions, was heard making her quite troubled. She knew that her weak condition couldn't enable her to join her daughter in the conflict, and she remembered that, she shed a tear recalling the attempted assassination, hearing her daughter's cries as she faded from the darkness.


a horrible thing to behold, seeing she would remember that she will soon have people who want her or her daughter to be assassinated if they ever walked within the street. She begins to imagine the horrors to come if a similar situation would come, but as she could think deeper a knock from the door could be heard. She returns to reality and turns to the door.

"You may enter."

The royal guards beside the door soon opened, with a man in elegant uniform entering her chambers, he soon bowed down and the queen let him raise, and the young man then notified the queen.

"Your Highness! We have obtained a statement from Princess Elizabeth with very good news!"

The news from the messenger gave her a very satisfactory reaction, she immediately turned towards the messenger asking the Good news.

"Yes Please! Let me see the letter!" She asks with a very energetic voice, hearing the request then grabs the letter from his pocket, he opens it to see a folded paper, the note was somewhat a very surprising thing to see, the messenger then handed the letter to the queen Savannah, she takes a good look.

"Dear mother, it's been 2 days since I departed from my hometown, and I wanted to tell you that my forces are motivated for this conflict, we saw what the thurms did to you and my army and I want to take revenge on what they have done to you, with the assistance with the Japanese army, General Yoshida — inform me that after we reach the port, our forces will soon depart to Aetesian's capital and with that, I'll make them pay."

The queen had a mixed reaction after reading the letter and she felt something Unusual. She was somewhat happy that her daughter was joining the side with the Japanese, but the feeling of 'retaliation' soon appeared to her.

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