chapter 14 - Agreement to war

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Port of alervon.

December 23, 1773.

As Tenjo looks, he gazes at the shiny ship as if it was nothing he had seen before.

Its bright and white colors are radiant than anything in the port as they were fully decorated, with medals of honor and flags of war. Still, the ship itself, he thought, was terrific as its ship is something he never thought he would ever see in a million years. The ship is similar to a pre-dreadnought.

But for Tenjo, he wasn't a shipping expert as he was a man who can simply make agreements with other nations. Still, he thought it's weird to see a ship that already surpassed firepower from the kingdom of alervon as he never thought that he would see an old battleship.

As he looked around, enjoy then soon noticed ramp stairs. He looked closer; two people were coming down the ships. One was a man in mid-years as a young woman with a very European uniform.

The crowd could contemplate in amazement as the newly arrived people only shook their hands at the public. As Tenjo looked more, he saw that it's more than a group of people, as the people were a diplomatic convoy as they came and brought two vessels.

As Tenjo went to the crowd, the female diplomat then yelled.

"Greetings of the people of the alervon!"

The young diplomat yelled.

"We are a diplomatic convoy from the 4th civilization!"

People began to chatter to words made by the young women within the crowd like it was a mixed thought. Some thought it sounded like colonizers coming for their homeland, as some people see this as a good sign to make their nations become powerful states.

Tenjo then looked behind him as the nobles from the Japanese embassy then joined him with the crowd. Some of the nobles looked at the Ships flag as if it's nothing they had seen before, but the other nobles too realized who they were.

"Dear God, why did they come to our country."

The nobles cried.

"This is not good, I heard that the last time another nation came, had a bloody Attack."

Tenjo, very confused by the Chatter from the nobles, turned to himself as he faced the nobles. He then asked them a simple question.

"What's about his 4th nation?"

Tenjo asks.

The nobles then looked at Tenjo, as he then told him about the 4th civilization.

"Well, Mr. Tenjo the ship you are looking at is the nation from the 4 civilization, and based on the red Stripe, it's mean that it's from the 4th."

"What do you mean by 4th?"

"Oh, dear umm~" the nobles begin to think of a proper answer as they couldn't plan for that question, but for ten, he then turned to the people that came from the ship.

Tenjo then moves toward the crowd as he heads to the front row of the perspective. He got there.

The young diplomat could see a person who was different from the people, as the person was wearing a more formal uniform with a small ink pin, the man was a bit taller than the people next to him.

The diplomat then turned to the man he saw. As she then approached him, Tenjo could see a diplomat coming to him. Tenjo grabbed his hand and placed it at his front as the diplomat then came and asked a question.

"Are you the Kingdom's Ambassador?"

Tenjo was very confused as he didn't expect the diplomat to say that.

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