Chapter 26 - keto offensive

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Town of keto. Northern region

January 5, 1773.

The wind was blowing in the south and the sky was dark, to say the least. The storm came from the east and it could be seen with dark clouds slowly reaching as the men watched in the distance. A man was at the stool yelling at his metal megaphone as he shouted warnings and threats to the laborers as the men, women, and children dug trenches and wooden fortifications. houses and buildings once owned by the locals were turned to bunkers and observation posts. The screams from the aetesian people could be heard as soldiers at the center of the town immediately ran off, as sounds of smacking could be heard. The man on the ground was helpless as he couldn't handle the pain given from whack from a stock of a rifle.

The cries of the begging people could be heard away, as the sounds of clinging from the chains were very frequent, mass dead crops outside of the town's small wooden walls stacked high as many of these people either fled or died from the soldiers they once called allies. It was considered that the town of keto had strategic importance due to its location. Being the center of the southern and northern region, the town of keto was heavily reinforced with soldiers with over 5,000 soldiers being in this one town. The large numbers meant spaces could be given as outside from the town, Mass tents were put together as it was made for the many soldier's stations at this very town. Cannons and revolving Gatling guns were placed within the city with soldiers inspecting them. While others clean the large weapon pieces. Many soldiers within the town ignored the screams as 500 stand information watches in front of a podium could be seen. At the stage was a commanding officer with an officer beside him as he stared through the small paper. Many stand, some cough while others find a way to keep their mind checked. The people at the podium looked at each other with confusion as the soldiers could hear whispers at the stage with many of them being close to each other, confused, while others daydream. Among those soldiers, one leans over from the soldiers as he pulls out a pack of old candy.

 As soldiers around him began to take notice and some didn't bother asking as they were too scared to be called out, "hey man you should get up!" An unfamiliar voice was heard at his right as the young soldier looked directly in front to look at the soldier who asked him. He looks to see a young boy as well, his helmet oversized but his body was a statue of an 18-year-old.

"Oh. I'm sorry." The young boy replied, "I was getting some candy given by my mother."

odd response to tell, as the soldiers next to him, began to chuckle from his excuse. "Ha! No worries, I'm not an officer so your not in trouble." 

"Oh thank you, man."


The soldier soon got up, as he looked at the two pieces of candy, pulled out from his little bag, he looked at the soldier beside him as he pulled one for his palm as he handed one to the soldier next to him, seeing this the soldier looked at him with a smile as he thanked for the piece of candy.

"Thank you, it's a lovely candy."

"It's those rich ones made out of sugar, something u can't miss."

'Pure sugar?' He thoughted, it was something of a surprise to hear as knowing that candy was made for the upper class. He unwraps the candy seeing it purely colored pink as it was something of a unique color, like a color for a dress. He closes his eyes and bites the top part of the candy, the taste of the sweetness was felt through his mouth, as he smiles from the favorable candy.

"This is good.."

He said as he threw the entire candy in his mouth, biting down as the hardness of it was felt with its teeth, the soldier then chuckled as he informs about the candy, "careful it's a tough one."

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