Chapter 30 - the american navy

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Town of keto. the northern region of the Artesian states.

January 7th, 1774

With the defeat at the keto hill, announced by combatants who were at the retreat from the fight, back at the town, the immediate fear of the enemy would soon be heading to the keto, was thought repeatedly around the town, soldiers now soon around the town, engineers had heavier artillery mounts be mounted around crucial locations and a quickly rushed watchtower was build above roofs of the towns and some around the town's roof. outside a long trench that reaches both sides of the town, pike fences were placed down earlier before with now being given sharped logs, with deeply hidden trenches dug outside from the town, known as carriage traps. With many around the town having the taste of the bitter defeat, morale with the soldiers was unstable having to comprehend how their iron carriages specialized, soldiers soon began to doubt their capabilities of the defence that they had made for this moment.

The remaining wyvern squadrons soon were joined along with the elite warlord wyvern squadrons and recognized the fate of their forces without a proper military corporation. With general Kento himself being in the town, the 2nd infantry division merged along with the remaining 1st infantry, as many of the 1st were wishing to head back to the rear; In a cabinet within the keto, general Kento with his officers, sat down quietly with many of the officers so to quiet and uninterested, Kento quickly soon begins to understand how the Japanese operated during the battle of the keto hill, being the first that made him understand the japanese version use of the iron carriages, which was used often by the Japanese forces. Memorizing that, Kento had placed down deep trenches which many of them were to widen as, during the battle of the Amherst hill during the Dos Equis wars that happened 10 years ago, forces from the Dos Equis were known for using carriages for combat and having slow-moving vehicles, his forces during his younger times used deeper trenches to have stuck during the battle.

The awareness that none of the Japanese was killed during that fight, made it very humiliating to hear. But one made it worse to hear were the iron carriages and one report from an officer shown that even a magic double piercer shell wouldn't work against the iron carriages, with may deflecting after being shot at even at close range, his hand tremble after remembering those words from the officer, and it was the only time he was frightened to imagine from the statement. He immediately calmed himself down, and repeatedly exhaled as his repeated trembling began to calm down; looking back to see his officer looking at him with concern, he sat up straight and looked back at the officers.

"Nothing to worry about, I have something that makes me shake."

With the general informing that he was fine, immediately after, they all continued idling for an announcement from the general, the silence from the room soon was interrupted and in front of the door was Alex Ferguson and Jesse Liens, with both saluting at the general before taking a seat. Having the wyvern warlord squadron captain joining the seminar with the rest of the officers, sitting straight as a sign of respect.

"General Kento!" Alex greeted in a cheerful tone, "it's good to see you at this small town in this artesian empire, my name is Alex Ferguson, I'm a captain of a 1st wyvern warlord squadron!"

The man himself was quite a handsome man, but seeing that he gets to see the man himself in person, Kento's smiles and greets back at the captain.

"Thank you... so you are Alex Furguson. Captain of the 1sy wyvern warlord squadron which means you're an imperial guard member?"

"Yes sir! I have joined the wyvern air force for the cause of protecting her majesty, and my people! I'm a loyal soldier who will do anything to fight for his empire!"

Smiling from the patriotism that Alex retains, he soon turns his direction to the young girl beside him, seeing next Kento is now looking towards her, Jesse gazes back at the general with a surprised look, soon greeted by the general as well.

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