Chapter 10 - Judgement and the New order

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The Aetesian empire would become a Democracy nation by the Time Prince Gourmet was Trialed.

Under this New Law, the Aetesian Empire occupied both Japanese' Forces and American forces for 20 Years.

The messages written under the paper make it a reminder to the aetesians that there, not a mighty Nation.

The People at the Ruined Capital could see the Moon Light within the ruined buildings. A young Marine was sitting at the fire as he ate an American MRE, "even though these invaders are the rulers of our Nation, at least these people are kind," he thoughted.

The taste from the MRE soup made him smile as it was his first time eating a hot meal, as an American base is placed over at the Acevedo Central. This place is the only one in the City to have any light. The kid looked at the road as a group of kids then Came out of the ruined buildings as they then went to the American Camps.

Brigadier General James looks at his Window to see Kids begging for food. "The war affects many people who have no money to buy food, and where are the parents of these kids?" He wondered, although this, feeling bad he then got up as he then came out of his tent to see the kids.

"What's wrong?" James asks.

"Please sir, we have no money to buy bread, you have any spare?" The poor kids ask.

James would feel guilty if he didn't do anything; he got inside the tent as the Kids could See the Man holding 3 MRE.

James then smiled at the Kids curried upon their faces; they could only say thanks to James, as they then ran off. It wasn't something he expected, but at least he did some decent. James then returned to the camp as of tomorrow. The trail of prince gourmet would soon Start Around 11:30.

The Judgment would soon commence.


Sollan, the kingdom of Alervon.

December 10, 1773.

10:50 am.

IJN Kaga.

The trail has come, the Prince forced to get up Early, the once Prince wouldn't follow Commands as now he became a weak Dog, who would Follow any Command, The Prince was ready and as he took a shower and where Suit to the trail, the Prince looked at the porthole. A Japanese Car was there waiting for him.

Like that, a knock came out of the door as two officers came in. The officers said nothing as they placed handcuffs over his hand; even the Prince stayed quiet. He escorted off the ship. He would soon end up inside the car; everyone at the Port watched as they waited for the most Hated man in the Capital; among the Crowd were 1st Lieutenant Ruko and 2nd Lieutenant Juko, they were waiting for The Prince.

"You know, I killed 2 wyverns when I was sent out at Aetesian Airspace," Juko said.

"It's more like 'we' killed them since we both were inside the F4," Ruko replied.


As Ruko let out that, the Crowd soon begin to uproar upon the Prince as he was coming out with an escort with him.

The Prince ignored them as they soon condemn him; among the Crowd, a woman then Threw old food at him. "Murderruer !" Women Yelled!

The military police then went to the women as they then warned the women.

"Hey! Stopped throughing shit or I will have to stran you from doing it," the M.P. male yelled.

The stern voice startled some people who wanted to throw, as that the women heard him as they didn't want to make it worse because rumored had that the words have that Japanese soldiers were is tougher than elves.

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