- 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 -

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The game of beer pong soon finished and Bloom and Riven wandered off somewhere to do who knows what...

"You feeling a little more relaxed?" Alex laughed, she wasn't as drunk as Sky was but she definitely had had her fair taste of alcohol 

"Ah, certainly drunker"

The night went by quickly, but not the way Alex had expected it, after Riven mentioned Ricky everything went downhill. Alex decided to leave the party, alcohol and her did not mix well, she went back to her dorm yet sleep did not feel like working with her. It was about two in the morning when Alex decided to give up on sleep that night and chose to walk around campus instead.

It was a chilly night and just as Alex was contemplating the waterfalls in front of the stone circle she felt someone's presence behind her. She lightly tilted her head to see the outline of someone who she knew pretty well.

"Alex? What are you doing out here?" the figure asked

"I could ask you the same thing blondie, why are you wearing armour?" Alex noticed the blonde wasn't wearing the same blue shirt and leather jacket he had been wearing a couple hours ago at the party

Sky looked down at his clothing as he gripped his sword before sighed and answering Alex's question "Silva is dying, and so is Nate, Alex"

"You think I don't know that?"

"No, I- the Burned One they killed... wasn't the right one" Sky explained

"It's still out there... and you're planning on fighting it by yourself?"

"Yeah, you're not the only crazy person, besides I can't sit around and do nothing, I-" Sky was about to finish his sentence when Alex turned around abruptly looking towards the woods


"You might not have to, I think I can hear its thoughts. The Burned One, Sky I think it's in the forest"

Alex looked back at Sky who was looking at her bluntly, and before she could do anything Sky started running towards the forest "come on!" he yelled for her to follow as she started running behind him

The mind fairy finally caught up with Sky and they were now standing back to back as they looked around for the Burned One, Alex suddenly felt like someone was screaming in her head, she crouched down clutching on her head

"Alex!" Sky crouched down next to Alex who looked like she was in extreme pain, about to pass out. The blonde specialist put his hands on Alex's waist pulling her, pressing her against his chest.

Alex took a couple of breaths in before detaching herself from Sky looking around "it's so close"

Sky took out his sword gripping on the handle tightly, "I still wanna know how you can hear these things"

"I think... I think they were human once too, like us"

Nothing happened for a few moments, all the two teenagers could hear were each other breathings. Out of nowhere the Burned One jumped out of a tree attacking Sky

Alex focused on her energy creating a rope out of crimson energy attaching it to the Burned One's ankle pulling it back making it fall, however, the creature quickly recovered launching for Alex.

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞 ( winx fate)Where stories live. Discover now