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Wanda and Vision. The regular husband and wife. Well, not that regular. You could say they had... Abilities. They were gifted. Some say that would be a curse, but it was a blessing for those two.

Living in the town of Westview was a beautiful life, a wonderful life, and the couple was happy.

With Wanda being able to manipulate reality, and Vision being a synthezoid man, made of vibranium, they seemed to stand out in the town, but they did their best to fit in.

They had lived in their house, married for quite some time, but for some reason, they didn't know how long exactly that they'd been in the town. They had some trouble finding the right words to say to Vision's boss, Mr. Hart when asked about the subject. And Wanda had seen some odd situations in the town too, especially with the nosy neighbor Agnes.

But they had no intention of leaving. Wanda had just had a baby, and the two were in a very excited state.

Vision had sped the doctor over just in time to see Wanda with her friend Geraldine, who had just helped her birth the baby boy.

Yes, it was a boy.

Vision rushed into the house with the doctor, who was a bit shaken up after just experiencing super-speed. "Oh, I missed it." He exclaimed. He had disguised himself from his red, vibranium self to a more human-like form to fit in with the people of the town.

Wanda grinned lovingly at her husband.

Geraldine looked up at the doctor. "Hey, Doc, why don't you help me out in the kitchen there?" She piped up, giving the two some alone time.

They walked off, and Vision stepped towards his wife. "Well done, Wanda."

The woman held up her baby. "Well, don't you wanna meet your son as yourself?"

Vision looked around to make sure no one else was there, and turned to his child, going back to his red, synthezoid form, with the yellow "Mind" infinity stone in his head.

Wanda handed the boy to Vision. "Ooh, you're strong." She commented.

Vision took his son in his arms. "Hello there, little Tommy."

Wanda cocked her head. "Tommy?"

Earlier, they had a dispute over what to name the child. Vision wanted to name him Billy, after William Shakespeare, and Wanda wanted something classic, something all American, like Tommy. This time, Vision decided to go his wife's route.

Vision nodded. "Yes, Tommy."

He leaned in to kiss her, and suddenly, she started screaming. Vision, taken aback, yelled out as well. "What?!"

The woman groaned in pain.

"There's another baby coming!" Vision shouted in surprise.


"Push, Wanda! Push!"

Now this was unexpected.

Wanda cried out in pain as she delivered her second baby that day. Everything had seemed to have happened so fast, as her time of pregnancy had been very quick.

But nevertheless, Billy and Tommy were born. Wanda and Vision held them in their arms as the doctor and Geraldine sat on the couch, smiling and laughing joyously.

"20 fingers and 20 toes." The doctor announced. "You've got 2 healthy baby boys on your hands."

"Thank you, doctor." Wanda said appreciatively. 

"All in a day's work." The doctor then turned to Geraldine. "And thank you for your assistance, young lady. I think you might have what it takes to be a nurse."

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