Chapter 13: Definition of a Villain

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And soon after..... Everything went black.

David woke up in a field. A field of wheat, to be exact. It was a strange, surreal experience. But he knew exactly where he was.

He was in Farouk's domain. Or, Lenny's, at least. It was hard to tell.

The mutant got up to see what he was dealing with. A bell chimed behind him, so he turned around to see a desk with a crystal ball on it, and an overarching sign that read, "The Fortune Teller".

David looked into the crystal ball, then sat down in the chair in front of the table.

The bell was next to him, so he rang it, hoping to get some answers.

He looked away for a second, trying to figure out where exactly he was. And then he heard a voice.

"Why so sad, my dear?"

David turned back around, surprised to see an Arabian man in a well tailored suit and sunglasses, looking at him.

"Where's Lenny?" He asked, confused.

The man just stared back, until David realized something.

"Oh, wait. Are you-"

"Monsieur Amahl Farouk." He replied. "'Le ténia'." He said, meaning "the tapeworm" in French.

David sat there, shocked. He'd just had the same ugly thought in his mind.

"You heard that?"

"من همه چیز را می شنوم"

I hear everything.

The man pulled his sunglasses down.

"یا شاید من فقط ذهن شما را خواندم"

Or maybe I just read your mind.

Farouk smiled. "It's a muscle, my dear. The big gray meat. You gotta work it out. Get it stronger. تمام دنیا یک صحنه است و تو یک ستاره."

All the world's a stage and you're the star.

"Learn this stuff. تصمیم گرفتن."

Make a decision.

"You decide what is real and what is not. You. Your will. شما خالق واقعیت هستید."

You are the creator of reality.

The man chuckled. "What is the phrase? Um.... The kiddie table. You got to get up from the kiddie table. Come and sit with the big boys. It's all about respect, my man. You and I, we are... Les dieux. Gods. Look at you, such a sad face. Why you got such a sad face?"

David leaned in. "You read my mind. You tell me."

Farouk frowned. "Ohhh.... You feel boo-hoo. Used. خشمگین. Angry. Now we need to figure out if you're mad at me... Or yourself."

David stared into his eyes as Farouk grinned. "Ah... Endlich. Wir tanzen."

Finally. We dance.

And that's when the mind battle began.

David found himself transported to an astral arena, for wrestling. It was time he fought.

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