Chapter 5: Fight For It

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"And that makes you....... The Scarlet Witch."

Agatha held the boys by her magical string like they were puppets. Tommy grunted, shouting, "Get off of me! Let go of my brother!"

Even when he was being choked by Agatha's rope, he still cared as much for Billy as he would any other time.

Wanda glared at the witch. "My powers work out here, or did you forget?"

"No, dear. I'm counting on it." She replied sinisterly.

The boys tried to run from her, but Agatha pulled them back to the ground.


Wanda threw some red magic at her, and she fell back.

"Go to your room." She told her sons.

"No way, we're staying with you."

"Come on, we can help." They protested.

But Agatha creepily rose back up, calling, "Listen to your mother, boys!"

"Now!" She shouted.

Tommy grabbed his brother and sped him into the house.

They went into their room and fell onto the ground in exhaustion.

Panting, Tommy collapsed onto the floor.

Billy was trying to catch his breath. They were being choked before, needing some time to recover.

"Are you ok?" Tommy asked.

"No." Billy replied, honestly.

Tears were dripping from his face. "We could have died!"

Tommy rushed to his brother and wrapped him in his arms. "But we didn't. Mom was there to save us. We just had to give her time."

"But what if she hadn't come out? If she was trapped? Agatha would have killed us!"

Suddenly, Billy got a flash of something... A feeling... Like he was fading away. And so was Tommy... And his dad!

He wasn't sure what it was, but it caused him to break down even more.

"Tommy.... If we don't make it out of this... I- I want you to know... I love you. And nothing's gonna change that. You're family, just like Mom and Dad. And if we're gonna go... At least we'll go as a family."

Tommy became concerned for his brother, frowning. "No... You can't give up now. Mom can get out of this. She can beat Agatha, you know that."

"And what if she doesn't?" He sobbed.

Tommy stroked Billy's head, comforting him. "Shhhh. It's ok. I'm here." He whispered, trying to calm him down.

This was the saddest and most scared Billy had ever felt, and he needed his brother in this moment. With Tommy holding him close and rocking him back and forth comfortingly, he eventually began to calm down a bit.

Billy took deep breaths and relaxed into Tommy's hug.

The twins listened to the commotion going on outside. They could hear Wanda and Agatha fighting outside, hoping that The Scarlet Witch would prevail.

Things weren't going great outside of Westview either.

Hayward's team had arrived at the new S.W.O.R.D location and they were taking over. But that was the least of Jimmy Woo's problems.

Hayward had taken Vision's technology and energy from the Hex to make his own personal White Vision. He was all about eliminating Wanda Maximoff.

And so he made his own Vision, programmed to kill Wanda.

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