Chapter 4: Out of Control

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And no one could tell what she was going to do next.

Billy awoke in his bed, sitting up quickly. He wasn't sweating, but his heart was beating fast. He couldn't remember how he got in his room, but he certainly remembered everything that happened the night before.

It was going great for him and Tommy, until... Oh no. Dad! What had happened to him? And why did Pietro say that Vision had already died? And... What even happened after that?

There was a lot of voices in his head now, and unlike Tommy's super speed, this wasn't a fun power. It was really loud in his head, and after waking up in the morning, it was almost too much to handle. Tears formed in his eyes, as he started to cry, just from the thought of his father dying.

Billy tapped his brother quickly, waking him up. He needed Tommy now more than ever.

The boy opened his eyes. "What happened... Billy? What's wrong?"

Billy quietly sobbed. "Dad's gone. My head hurts, I don't know what's going on, Tommy..."

Tommy remembered the events of the other night as well, and sympathetically sat up and hugged Billy tight, rubbing circles on his back comfortingly. "It's ok. Shh.. I'm here. I'm here."

Billy relaxed in the arms of his brother, focusing on him, letting the noises slowly fade away.

Of course, they were still there quietly, but Billy could ignore them as long as he had his brother.

"Where does it hurt?" Tommy asked, concerned.

Billy wiped the tears away, sniffing a bit. "It's not what you would think." He explained. "It's noisy, and there's a bunch of voices."

Tommy raised an eyebrow. "Voices? In your head?"

"Yeah. Kinda like how I heard the soldiers that were with Dad."

"Maybe that's what Mom's powers are like." Tommy suggested.

Billy shrugged. "Maybe." Exhausted from crying, he sighed and laid his head down on Tommy's leg, who gently stroked his head, playing with his hair and making him feel a little better. Just being around his brother helped him.

"Do you think Mom had something to do with this?" Billy asked.

"She looked worried, and kinda mad after Uncle P said... Y'know, what he said."


Then, to lighten the mood a bit, Tommy lifted Billy's head up and got off the bed.

"Y'know what? I know it's a hard time right now, but how about we just try to relax and play some video games downstairs? Would that help?"

Billy smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Thanks, Tommy. You're a good brother."

"That's what I'm here for. Aaaand also to beat you in every game."

"Oh yeah? We'll see about that!" Billy said, laughing.

The two ran downstairs to get on their PlayStation to play their usual shoot-em-up game, and they started to have some fun.... At first.

Then the controllers started to, well, change. They started to change to, older controllers, even Atari at one point, finally changing to UNO.

Aaand back to their PS controllers.

"Uhhh, what just happened?" Tommy asked, almost speechless.

Things were getting out of control.

The twins rushed upstairs to see their mother. Surely she would know how to fix this. She could fix anything.

They got up to her room, just to find her in her bed.

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