Chapter 14: Finding The Monk

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"Dad.... Get Cerebro. We gotta go back to Morocco."

"Hey! Get back here!"

Tommy, Billy, Oliver and Kurt laughed as they teleported away from the security guard after putting a chair in the bathroom. They were mischievous, but having fun.

The boys poofed back to their room, out of breath and grinning.

"That was so fun!" Kurt panted. "Let's never do that again."

"No way, we were almost caught." Billy added.

"But we didn't." Tommy said with a sly smile. "We're too fast."

"What'd you think, Oliver?" Billy asked.

The boy giggled and typed into his phone.

"It was very fun."

The boys cheered quietly so they didn't draw suspicion.

They were happy to have made friends in a short period of time.

"I think we should just chill for a bit. I'm a little tired from using my power." Kurt admitted.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Billy agreed. "Anybody wanna play Nintendo Switch?"

Tommy perked up. "Huh? But we don't have-"

With a flash of blue magic, a perfectly new Switch appeared in Billy's hands, which he set next to the TV.

"Woah! How did you do that?" Kurt asked.

"I stole it from another room, but it's fine. No one will notice. The Switch is off, so nobody was using it when I took it." He beamed, making the others smile.

"Let's play some Smash Bros!"

The kids cheered, and all sat down in front of the television to play Smash. The day was already getting better.

A little while later, David and Charles found themselves in Morocco, right where they wanted to be.

Xavier was using Cerebro to transport his mind there while David used his own extraordinary power to teleport over to the desert.

"Alright, let's do this." David said, sighing.

"Remember, Farouk can tell where you are, but he can't see me. Let me guide you through this safely so you don't get hurt."

"Got it. Thanks, Dad."

With the directions Amahl had given David in the Astral Plane, he used his power to zip through the city and find the monastery, standing out in the sun, like a great pyramid.

"Be careful, David. Your power greatly exceeds mine. Abusing it can lead you right back to Farouk's control. Don't torture the monk. Find him and come right back."


All the mutants at the X-Mansion waited in anticipation while Charles carried the suspense.

The bald man lifted the helmet off and looked up at Wanda.

"Everything alright?" She asked.

"So far. But you know that if anything goes wrong I will leave it up to you to help me stop the problem."

"Of course." Wanda replied. "Anything to keep my boys safe."

"And if Farouk does get his body back, I expect you to be the one to trap him since David is compromised."

The woman nodded. "I'll make sure he doesn't end up following Farouk in the end."

Despite what the others thought, Charles was right. Farouk had David for years, what would stop him from going right back to him?

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