Chapter 8: Misunderstood

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"He's found your children."

Wanda was in disbelief. "But- how?"

"I'm not sure." Charles replied. "They're at the house across from the street with another boy."

The woman's eyes widened. "Oliver." She muttered.

"There's something else there, but it's hard to see. You need to go back home and inform Peter. And protect the boys. He can't get to them now, but you will most likely have to come back here soon. He only appeared through technology and we want to keep it that way."

Wanda nodded. "What about David?"

"Let Erik and Jean take care of it."

"Alright. Be careful."

Wanda rushed off to go home. She had to talk to her brother.

Billy and Tommy ran downstairs with Oliver and sneaked around the kitchen to make sure Sarah didn't notice them leave.

Tommy grabbed Oliver and Billy's hands and sped off to the house.

"Uncle P! Come quick!"

Peter zoomed over to the boys. "What's wrong?"

"Oliver's tablet, it kept... Changing." Billy blurted out. "There was a monster on it, and a woman, and it made the lights go out, and - it's scary!"

"Woah, woah! Slow down." Said Peter. "What are you talking about? It might just be a glitch."

"It's Farouk."

The boys turned around to see their mom standing in the doorway.

"Mom!" Billy and Tommy ran to Wanda. Oliver stood behind them, nervously fidgeting and stimming.

Wanda hugged her sons but quickly let go. "We're safe for now, but that might change." She looked over at Oliver. "How did you see him? The man."

"It wasn't a man." Tommy protested. "It was a woman. Lenny."

Wanda's eyebrows raised. Erik had told her about Lenny, one of David's ways of imagining The Shadow King.

"Let me go talk to Sarah. C'mon, Oliver."

"No!" Billy cried out. "He needs us with him."

Wanda turned around. "And I need you. Safe. Stay here, we'll discuss what to do when I get back."

"Why are you acting like we're in trouble?" Tommy blurted out.

"You're not. But there's a very dangerous mutant out there and it's my job to protect you from him."

Oliver and Wanda left the house to walk over to Sarah.

Billy looked over at his brother. "What do you think he's gonna tell her?" He said telepathically.

"Why don't you find out?" He thought back.

"Oh, that's right." The boy remembered. He could eavesdrop with his mind.

He concentrated hard, and saw his mother walk Oliver back to the house.

"Sarah?" She called.

The woman walked up to the front door. "Wanda! What's going on?"

"Can I talk to you for a second? We have a bit of an issue."

Sarah frowned. "Oh no. Is it about the boys?"

"They're not in trouble. But they might not be safe."

"W-what? Not safe? What do you mean?"

Wanda stepped inside the house while the boy ran upstairs. "Billy told me they were playing with Oliver on his tablet."

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