Chapter 7: David

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She had to make a decision.

"Can you tell me... What it is he did to get into this hospital? Does he know he's a... Mutant?" Wanda asked.

"He was captured by a government organization called Division 3, created to study, identify, and eliminate mutant threats. David was then rescued by various other mutants such as Sydney Barratt and Ptonomy Wallace lead by Melanie Bird. I allowed this at first because he was safe with them, but now he's gone to the division and... Killed them all."

Wanda opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn't decide what to say. "Why did you give him up?"

Xavier hung his head. "Around the time when David was born, we located another mutant in Morocco named Amahl Farouk. I went to meet him, but he wasn't who he said he was. He taught me about the astral plane, a sort of space for the mind. But he was manipulating me. He was dangerous. I think... He possessed David. And my wife, Gabrielle had fallen into a catatonic state. I had to give him up."

"And he went to a mental hospital because..."

"The parents who adopted him thought he had issues. But it was his mutant powers and Farouk taking hold."

"And you want me to stop him."

"You're powerful enough." Erik intervened. "You can match him."

Wanda looked to her father. "Where is he now?"

"Division 3. You and Erik can go on over there and I'll stay here with Cerebro."

Peter turned to Wanda. "I'll get the kids and take them back to the house. Be careful."

Wanda nodded.

The two rushed off, and Peter went back to the Land of Departure to pick up the twins.

This is a Fresh King production
I wanna know how I function

Ven and his friends were listening to Dangerous by The Fresh King of New York. He was on Thunderwave Records, B. Wells and DaVan's label.

They were rappers, and Ven's friends. But Billy and Tommy hadn't met them yet. They wanted to, though.

"Apparently it was free for non profit, so B. Wells had a fight over Twitter with Fresh King about it, but then Fresh decided he wanted it up anyway cause he was gonna pay for the beats."

"Wow, he really flips, doesn't he?"

"Yeah, it's crazy!"

Terra walked upstairs to the room where the kids were. "Alright, guys. Billy and Tommy have to go now."

"What?" Tommy groaned. "But I wanted to stay!"

"Your mom's on an important mission, and she told your uncle to take you home. C'mon."

Billy sighed. "We'll see you later, ok?"

The kids nodded, hugged their friends and let them go back downstairs.

Peter was waiting for them. "Hey, dudes. Let's go home."

"What's Mom doing?" Tommy asked.

"She's with your grandpa tracking down a mutant. She wants you kids home."

"Ok." They said reluctantly.

Peter, Tommy and Billy sped off back to their house. It really was a nice house, honestly. Wanda had spruced it up a bit, and the twins were loving what they had.

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