Chapter 11: Confrontation

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He had help.

A few hours earlier

Cary hooked up a machine to David's helmet.

"I'm boosting the power, but it - it won't last long."

"You don't look so good." Clark said.

"I'm fine." David replied.

"No, something's going on here.... Well, this has been great, but I think I hear my ride. Does anybody hear a warbird helicopter?"

"You don't have to be afraid." The mutant reassured.

"... I'm not."

"You don't have to be afraid." He repeated. "You don't have... To be afraid."

"I'm not." Clark said once again.

"...You.... Don't.... Have... To... Be......... Afraid."

The man shuddered. "Stop saying that."

"Why don't you just leave us alone?" Syd spoke up.

"Yeah, to do what?"

"I don't know. Fall in love. Have babies."

"Oh, see, now, that's the problem, cause your babies are my babies, who wins that sandbox squabble?"

"You don't have to be..."

"I know! I don't have to be afraid. But I am. Because look at you. All of you. You're gods. And someday, you're gonna wake up and realize, you don't need to listen to us anymore."

"Well, isn't that the history of the world?" David replied. "People of different nations, different languages, learning to live together."

Clark scoffed.

Syd looked on at the conversation, but suddenly found herself... Somewhere else.

She was in the white room that David had constructed for her in the astral plane. It was their safe place where they could actually touch each other without switching bodies.

But this time, something was off. She looked at the bed in the bright room. There was something or someone under it, but she didn't know what.

"David?" She called.

The sheets flew off, and Syd gasped.

"Hey, sexy." Lenny greeted cheerfully.

"You can't be here."

"Why not? Cause David put a hat on?"

The girl tried to run to the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"Look, front door closes, I go in the back. You like that, don't you? A little backdoor action?" She smirked, getting off the bed slowly, her shoes squishing onto the floor with a black goo on them.

"You're gonna help me."

"...No." Syd said defiantly. When she looked up at Lenny, she'd turned to the Devil With The Yellow Eyes for just a second, the fat, bald ugly demon creature stepping towards her.

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