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A few weeks later

Tommy's eyes opened slowly to see his brother Billy standing over him. "Good morning, Tommy." He whispered cheerily.

The boy smiled. "Morning, bro." He replied, sitting. "What are you doing up already?"

"I'm your brother. I wanted to be here for you."

"Aww, thanks."

Tommy hugged his twin happily.

"So, you ready for another day of school?"

"You mean homeschool?" The longer haired boy specified.

Billy chuckled. "School, homeschool, whatever. You ready?"

"I'm never ready." He groaned, getting out of bed.

Tommy zipped in and out of the room in a second, his hair wet and his day outfit on.

"You forgot to brush your teeth." Billy said playfully.

The boy rolled his eyes, rushing back into the bathroom.

Billy grinned, floating down into his chair at the table and materializing his laptop in front of him.

Peter walked into the room. "You'd better be doing your work and not playing Papers, Please."

Billy laughed. "Don't worry, Uncle P. I'll play after I finish my work."

Tommy was in the other room, obviously speedrunning his math homework. These twins were always determined to get everything done as fast as they could. Was it smart? Well, it was efficient. That's all that mattered to them. The quicker they got their work done, the more time they had to play.

Peter pulled at his phone to text his sister.

P: How's the meeting going?


W: It's going great. Thanks for helping me convince them to have it.

Wanda Maximoff had gotten together with her father and the leaders in the X-Men to discuss what they were going to do about The Sokovia Accords.

Xavier's School For the Gifted had been secret for quite a while now, but ever since the legal documentation had been repealed, Charles could now open it up to the public. It was no longer a private school.

Wanda looked up from her phone. "So, the question is now... What do we do about those who are against mutants? They'll try to stop us from opening."

"We'll just have to fight back." Erik replied. "Whether that be legally or by force, we will do what's right."

"I have to agree." Charles replied. "We have waited long enough to allow new mutants into this institution publicly. I think it's time we show ourselves to the world."

Wanda smiled, happy that she'd made a difference in the lives of many mutants to come. This was the start of a new age.

In the next hour, they'd made new decisions and happily come up with solutions to many of the mutant problems surrounding the school.

And for the twins, it seemed like everything was going well for them too. Billy had finished his English homework and was now playing Papers, Please. Because why not?

Peter was sitting on the couch watching Grey's Anatomy when the phone rang. He looked to the left. No, it wasn't his phone. It was Tommy's.

But obviously Tommy had his phone on the charger since he was doing schoolwork.

So Quicksilver picked up the device and held it to his ear.


"Tommy! I need your help!"

Pete smiled. "Hey, Brando! Sorry, Tommy's speedrunning his math homework."

"Ugh, Pete, you have the worst timing! Well, is Billy there? DaVan and I need both of them now!"

He looked over at his nephew. "Oh, yeah. Billy finished all of his. He's over here playing Papers, Please. Hey, Billy. Guess who's here to talk to you?"

"Just give him the phone, fool!"

"Alright, alright. So impatient. Here ya go."

Peter handed the phone to Billy who accepted it quickly.

"Brandon? What's going on?"

"Billy! DaVan and I are both being chased by kids at our school, and we're pretty sure they've got evil intentions right now! I don't care what Tommy's doing, tell him to go to Victor get Evan to your house! And you- just come to Churchville! Fly, or whatever! Mr. Reinhart is tryna murk me! C'mon, quick!"

Billy's eyes widened. "Hey, Uncle P? I know what Mom said, but B. Wells and DaVan are in trouble! We gotta help them!"

Tommy rushed into the room. "All done! What's going on?"

"Perfect timing! Let's go!"

Tommy perked up. "Go? Where?"

"Evan's in trouble! Go pick him up, and bring him here! I'm getting Brandon!"

"Wait, wha-"


And so began their next adventure. As they ran off to help their friends B. Wells and DaVan, they knew this task was going to be complicated.

Billy and Tommy were far from grown. And that was perfectly fine with them. They were young, but they were special too.

They were the special brothers.

Billy and Tommy will return in
It Is Well With The Van

793 words.

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