Chapter 17: Family is Forever

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They would never be the same again.

Professor Xavier wheeled down the long hallway, opening the doors to Cerebro.

"So how exactly do you think you're gonna execute this plan?" David asked. "Once you find Farouk, he'll move again. You know that."

"Not if he wants us to find him."

"Wh- but that'll make everything even worse."

"Not if we plan ahead."

David chuckled. "So you do have a plan then?"

"Just trust me, son. This will only work if we trust each other."

The mutant sighed reluctantly. "Alright. Let's do this."

As they got ready in their positions, the X-Men were preparing in the rooms above.

"Remember, this will be much more different than the last time." Storm reminded. "David let himself be stopped, but with Farouk in control of Wanda, it will be a lot harder to stop him."

"And not only that, she's a witch." Agatha pointed out. "The Scarlet Witch. I've been studying her for years, so I could understand her power. I should be the one leading you out to fight."

"I'm sorry, but it doesn't work like that." Erik Lensherr added. "This isn't just Wanda. This is Amahl Farouk. He's powerful enough by himself, but with Wanda he's much more powerful."

"Yeah, I know my sis." Peter replied. "She'll try to fight him, but it'll be hard."

"Then let's work together to beat this guy!" Agatha protested. "If we can't stop him by ourselves, we gotta at least help the big guys get 'em."

"Ok, why are you so interested in helping us?" Quicksilver snapped. "Ever since my Dad invited you here, you haven't cared about any of it. You were just here to try to convince Wanda you could be friends. And I know that's not the only trick up your sleeve. I'm gonna stop you before you cause any more trouble."

Agatha laughed. "Trouble? I don't know what you're talking about. I'm on your side."

"Peter, you need to focus." Hank rebuked, correcting his stance. "Whether she's with us or against us, we need her now. Trust Professor Xavier. If there is any hostility in her behavior, he'll know."

The blond man sighed. "Fine. But I don't trust you." He said, pointing to the grinning witch.

And in another room, Kurt sat next to Oliver with his parents, who were still processing him actually being able to talk in some way now.

"Are you.... scared?" Kurt asked the boy, who was still using his phone for the time being.

"Yes." He replied, looking up at the blue kid.

"Me too. I hope Billy and Tommy are safe."

"Well, they're definitely safe." Sarah butted in, walking over. "They're with their Mom, the best one to be with. The only thing is..."

"She's not in control." Kurt finished.

Oliver typed into his device, looking a bit more optimistic than the others.

"Oliver? Do you want to say something?" Marty asked, looking down at his son.

"They... will... get out.... of.... this."

Sarah smiled. "Yeah, that's what we're hoping for."

Oliver raised his hand, signaling for her to wait. "They're. My. Friends. They. Can't. Die."

The mother looked to her husband, who had shed a tear.

"We were supposed to have a normal life." Marty said, choking up. "How did it come to this?"

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