Chapter 3: Unexpected Help

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But now, a new member of the family was introduced, and it seemed like, for now, at least, he was here to stay.

Pietro was sleeping on the couch downstairs, and the twins had walked back to their room with their eyes widened. They couldn't sleep now, there was too much going on now.

The afternoon earlier, Wanda had told her sons that her brother was far away from her. But here he was, just showing up at her door.

Tommy laid his head on Billy as he went to sleep, and his brother gently pressed against Tommy's head, tucking him under his chin lovingly. They needed each other, right now more than ever.

Billy had this weird feeling that something was up with Pietro. He seemed, a little different than Wanda had described. Well, her memory must have not been great, he guessed.

He pushed the thought away and looked at his sleeping brother. Things had been a little crazy since they'd turned 10. But it was ok, because they were together.

With his brother safe with him, Billy smiled and drifted off to sleep into another day.

"But, he's dead too. Right?"

"That's not him. That's clearly someone else who resembles him."

S.W.O.R.D had just gone through a big ordeal with Wanda, and now things had complicated themselves even more.

Pietro, Wanda's brother, had apparently returned. Except this time, he looked a bit, no, a lot different.

Darcy, Monica and Jimmy were talking with Aqua, Terra and their group about the current situation, and it was getting more and more confusing as it went on.

Away from the adults, Ventus and his friends sat discussing Westview and the people in it.

"To be honest, I think Billy and Tommy are really cool." Ven said to the others.

"How so?" Duncan asked.

"Well, they can age up, which is a little scary, but also they're the sons of Wanda and Vision. You'd think they'd get some superpowers soon, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"I hope we figure this out soon. I'd like to be their friend."

"Me too." Noodle added cheerfully.

"But you guys, we have magic!" Georgie reminded. "They're not as cool as us."

"We'll have to s-see about that once they actually g-et some powers." Bill pointed out.

The kids laughed, and Ven secretly hoped they did have powers. They seemed really nice.

Meanwhile, S.W.O.R.D was trying to figure out exactly how they would stop Wanda without triggering her too much.

"But she said she had what she wanted. If we screw with anything in there, she'll kill us." Said Terra.

"Wanda's holding the entire town hostage." Jimmy argued. "We've got to get them free somehow."

"I agree." Monica stepped in. "But we have to do it in a way that she won't notice us."

"Anyone up to brainstorm ideas?"

"I think we can help with that." Eraqus said confidently. He materialized his keyblade.

"Have any of you heard about the keyholes?"

The three shook their heads.

"Not only can the keyblade lock and unlock doors, but it can open and seal the keyholes in worlds or dimensions. My theory is that this place is a world of its own, created by Wanda Maximoff. If we can find the keyhole..."

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