[13] Welcome to Confusion

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[13] Welcome to Confusion

Katniss's Point of View

As we all shuffle back to our classrooms Montey practically gets a piggy back ride from Sarah, giggling the whole way. We go back into the lunch room, knowing that they'll extend lunch for us since it got cut ten minutes short. I sit down at the table, Montey and Darius on one side of me, Gale on the other. Sarah scampered off to go mess with her other friends.

We begin chatting again about nothing in paticular. A girl comes over to us then, her long blond hair flowing behind her. She sits down at our table, looking at us.

"Um, hi?" Madge says, more as a question.

"Hiya, I was just wondering if you know who pulled the fire alarm? I know it wasn't a real fire since there was no smoke." She asks. We all shake our heads. "Gr, okay."

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Gale asks.

"Oh, sorry, I'm Jessica." She says, putting out a hand for us to shake that we all accept. She glances around at us and her blue eyes stop on me. "Hey, aren't you the girl who's going to homecoming with Peeta?"

"Um, yea, why?" I stutter, silently wondering How the hell does she know?!?! She smiles.

"He won't shut up about it." She gushes, I feel myself blush. 

"Oh, uh," I try to find a response to her words.

"I don't like Peeta, he gives me a weird vibe." Gale announces. We all give him a weird look. "A stalker vibe." He adds.

"Knowing Peeta, he probably is a stalker." Jessica shrugs. She looks around at the others. "What about you guys? You got dates to Homecoming?"

Montey and Darius point at each other then laugh, Madge quietly mumbles that she's going with Marvel, and Gale shakes his head. Jessica looks surprised. "Wait, you don't have a date?" She asks Gale, who shakes his head.

"Why?" Gale asks.

"I would've figured you asked some lucky girl already." Jess replies. Gale shrugs, and Madge quietly mumbled something about the library before leaving. "What was that about?" Jessica asks once Madge leaves.

"She wanted Gale to ask her, but Marvel asked first." Montey said bluntly. Jess nods. 

"Well, knowing Marvel, he'll probably ditch her in the middle of the dance for whoever has the shortest dress, so you can probably just ask her for a dance." Jess suggested. Gale seemed to be assessing the advice he was being given. He nodded.

"Yea, that might just work." Gale admitted, smiling at Jess. The bell rung then, signalling the end of lunch. "Thanks, see ya later." Gale waved to Jess, who waved back and darted into the halls.

Everybody scampers off to their next class, and me and Gale walk to math. I sigh as I walk, wanting nothing more than to just go home. Walking down the hallways, I swear I hear my name being called. Gale and I chat as we walk down the hallway, and as we reach the math room door I feel a hand grip my shoulder. I turn to see a girl, who looks at me, smiling, though I can see right through that fake smile.

"Hi, Katniss!" She says happily, though I can tell it's fake.

"Oh, hey!" I said, acting happy as well, though I don't exactly know what she's planning. Gale looks between the two of us, puzzled.

"Um, can I talk to you for a sec, Kat?" The girl asks, her glance flickering to Gale nervously. I nod and tell Gale I'll be there in a sec. The unknown girl drags me about eight feet away from the door before saying anything again. "So, how are you?" She asks, obviously asking more than just that.

"Um, confused." I say, dropping my happy attitude. "Who are you?" The girl sighed.

"My name is Bonnie. I know you've been transported from District 12 to here. I'm from District 8. My teacher and I were trying to get to District 13 when we ran into you."

"District 13?" I asked. "That was bombed down years ago." Bonnie shook her head.

"No it wasn't, it's still there. It's the base of the rebellion against the Capitol." Bonnie said, her voice low and urgent. "We ran into the other you, the one from this dimension. She was coming to the shelter by the pond because something told her to, an impulse that she couldn't explain, something you know about. After she left, there was a hovercraft. It picked up me and my teacher and transported us here."

"What? Wait, there's a rebellion?" I asked, feeling out of the loop. Bonnie nodded.

"Not only is there a rebellion, Katniss, but you're the face of it. People are being inspired to rebel, by you." What? "You're the Mockingjay, the girl on fire."

"No, I'm not. I'm Katniss Everdeen, a poor girl from District 12. I'm no leader." I snap. Bonnie shakes her head.

"You were her. But that's not what I'm here to tell you." Bonnie sighs. "I know how to get you home."

"What? How?" I ask eagerly.

"Meet me at midnight this Friday." Bonnie instructs. "In the football field."

"But this Friday is homecoming." I say. Bonnie gives me a blank stare. I sigh. "Okay, I'll be there."

Bonnie nods, and with a fake happy goodbye she runs off. I walk into math a minute late, but nobody notices me creeping in because Avery and Mr.Thread are arguing again.

"If Joe has 50 chocolate bars and he eats 45, what does Joe have now?" Mr. Thread asks Avery as I quietly sit down at my desk.

"Diabetes. Joe has diabetes." Avery says with a straight face. The class chuckles and Mr.Thread quickly shushes them before sitting down at his desk and beginning the lesson.

With a sigh, I lean my elbow on my desk and lay my head on top of my fist. I try to make sense of what Bonnie had said earlier, I'm the face of a rebellion? When the hell did this happen? I'm a Mockingjay? Why am I on fire? A million questions fight for my attention, but one beats on me like a drum.

Do I want to go home?

A/N: Thank you jessica_mellark for being in this story!
So, I'm sorry to say that guest starring is ending. After one final person who's already asked I'm going to stop taking requests to be in this story. People already in it will reappear once or twice, and there's one last guest starring to do, but other than that I need to develop the story more. So, yea.

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