A quick reminder from the explanation on the book, the reader has They/them pronouns for the entirety of this book, that said, enjoy! ^^
[This is september 2021 me, the chapters with [R/D] on them stand for 're-done', meaning i went back and completely/slightly rewrote them!]
[January 2 2022 me, i rewrote it again...i need to write another book and stop rewriting my older ones. I'll remove the [R/D] on the ones I've redone.]
[Cussing and vile themes are going to be used]
(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"I cant believe they send me alone...im already thrown into hell..."
I mumble to myself, staring out the small window of the plane I've been sent in...at least i don't have to drive, gas money would be shit to pay for.I just started in this job less than a week ago, im more pissed than surprised about being sent alone on a first mission...i wont be there long, so i guess sending a full group would be a waste of people.
"Aint all that bad, you've had a little experience as a cop, right?"
The pilot asks, i lean over and look at him through the doorway.Well, yes, but barely the type id need to be qualified so quickly, i was out with other officers with actual experience that helped me before i was taken by this place, i wasn't the reason i had a good record...how do i explain that im completely new to this without worrying the guy that's flying me to certain death?
"Yeah, but it was mostly just dealing with some petty crimes, so being switched to something like this...missing people, entire missing families...its more than I've dealt with before."
I say, fidgeting with the thin cloth they call a uniform..its more different than my police uniform, but its cold, I'll need to hurry back to the helicopter before i just freeze."Cant say i blame you for being nervous, I'd be shitting myself if i were you...alone in an unknown location that has a streak of missing civilians, that's horrific."
The pilot says, i feel my stomach churn at his words."...yeah."
I mumble.I sit in silence for a few seconds, looking out the window with a nervous feeling in my stomach...what if i go missing too? Im a little more than terrified, but i need to help these people, if they're still alive, i may be the only hope they have to make it to safety.
"you may wanna buckle up, agent, we're getting near the area, but it looks like we're gonna fly into a bit of a storm."
The pilot says."Alright."
I say, quickly trapping into my seat."I'll tell you when we're landing, for now just wait."
The pilot says.I look over to my bag, its all i got before i rushed out the door...what did i even pack? I was trying to be quick, but i didn't even pay attention to what i threw in there.
...and now that im thinking about it, i didn't bother eating when i rushed to the agency either, i thought i would have time to later, i didn't realized I'd be stuck on half a days worth of flying....damnit.
"..maybe theres some snacks."
I mumble to myself, grabbing the bag and unzipping it.Inside is a grey sweater, as i take it out, i notice much more...i could wear this when i land, i don't have the label of the agency on my uniform, there's no real problem with me wearing things over it to not die in the snow.
I grab the nex thing inside, a picture of a pond, its a lake near my home that i love going to, its beautiful and the geese are...angry. constantly.
"When this mission is over...i wanna go to the lake again."
I say to myself, i love being there in the afternoon, skipping stones and taunting geese...then getting bitten and chased by those exact geese minutes later.I grab another thing from the bag, a small plush, a childhood toy ive seemed to grow fond of over the years, now i just cant get rid of it...im a little glad i accidentally packed this.
"A little friend to chase my fears away..."
I mumble.Just as i look back into the bag, searching for food or water, a sudden shake knocks me out of the reminiscing.
"Uh...You should hold on! Shit...shit..!"
The pilot says, sending a small shiver down my spine...he sounds worried."What's wrong? Did we-"
Before i finish my sentence, a loud boom comes from the right side of the plane.The plane suddenly flips to the left, i grip my seat to hold me down as i watch boxes and trash float and crash against the walls, i can hear the pilot scream, and i feel like i should too...but i feel paralyzed in this moment, this horrible moment.
The plane crashes and i practically fly to the left wall, slamming against it and falling to the floor, as my vision gets dizzy, i feel lightheaded and calm, i cant feel the ground under me as i seem to float away from reality.
I don't feel good, im really dizzy....
I hum, rubbing my head, i quickly pull back once a searing pain goes over it, i try to clear my head as i look around..im on the ground, theres a giant tear mark on The small plane, through it i can see trees...did we crash?"Sir..? Are you okay?"
I call out, getting up, i feel another pain rushing on my left arm, but i ignore it for the time and push towards the pilots area."Sir, we hit something and crashed, are you awak--OH SHIT!"
I curse, jolting in shock as i stare at my pilot, glass through his skull..he died in the crash.."Oh fuck...oh God..."
I mumble, staring at the bits of brain flooded out from the sudden object pushing into them...im gonna be sick..I quickly run to the area i was in during the crash, but as the pain in my arm increases, i have to stop...shit, the pain isn't helping the nausea, im gonna puke myself to death.
I slowly pull my sleeve up my arm, i feel a hell of a lot worse when i stare at what's giving me the pain. A deep gash, bloody and bruised on the edges. i wince at the view and look around, there had to have been a first aid kit in here, maybe its under something??
"Oh no..."
I whisper, going to the pile of things that must've blown around when we fell, if there was a first aid, it probably got buried somewhere here.I quickly start throwing things with my good hand, tossing the random junk as my arm starts to bleed more excessively, the blood dripping onto the floor.
"Come on, come on! There has to be one...!"
I mumble, tossing a broken crate piece, under it is my backpack...and a dark blue box...that could be an emergency kit.."Yes!"
I cheer, grabbing it, the satisfying click of the lock makes my heart jump, and the inside has...little to nothing.I eye the small kits contents, a gun and a small bandage roll...these war planes should be stocked for an army going on a mission, did they expect that this was all they needed..??
I mumble, before sighing...well, its something..i quickly wrap my arm in the bandages and pull my sleeve back over it, maybe i can find a station or town nearby with more supplies, until then I'll work."Okay...now time for help."
I say, grabbing my backpack and stuffing the gun inside it. I put it over my shoulder and start to leave the area..i just need to find people with a landline, so i can call the base and get myself back.I make my way through the trees and muddy grounds, the cold starts to burn as i shiver from the lack of protection from it...i should've asked for a heavier uniform.
From the trees, i spot a house...and another...and another! Its a village! They can definitely help me reach base..!
"Holy Shit....hello?! Hey!!"
I call out, sprinting through the muck and ick to reach it, but as i finally make it through the trees...the village looks different than it did from afar, it looks...dull, like happiness died here.I stare at the large sign hung up on a pole, the paint has been dried for what must be years, because its chipping off.
'Welcome to the village'
Well....nothing says finding help will be hard...but it also doesn't say it'll be easy...fuck, i wonder how long it'll take to go home..

Lady Dimitrescu Vs Karl Heisenberg x reader| A War Over A Human
Fanfiction[this story has a reader with they/them pronouns, also you kinda take place as Ethan] (y/n) was a recruit sent to find out about the sudden drop of population in a certain village, they were told nothing and were sent as soon as they could get them...