(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hm...what time is it?
I hum, stretching and looking around, im all alone in Karl's study, i guess he left once i passed out.What should i do? I can go see Ben...no, i don't think i should right now, i feel like my heart would break when i see him..maybe i should go find Karl? Maybe not, He's probably busy with...whatever he does in this place.
"How long have i been out...?"
I mumble, getting up and walking out of the Study.I lean on the steel bars and look at the machinery, all of them carrying what looks like the monsters...there's so many, its horrifying, but also ironic in a way; they want to kill me, but they're the ones that are dead and hung for all to see...at least i think they're dead.
"That's eerie..."
I mumble, rubbing my eyes from the remaining sleep that's still creeping up on me.I look at the wraps on my arm, they look good, and the pain isn't as bad as i thought it would be...actually, i cant even feel it, was the whiskey mixed with some sort of pain reliever..?
"Looks who's finally up."
Karl says, making me jolt in surprise, i quickly turn to see his grin."Fuck, you scared me!"
I mumble, he chuckles and walks to the steel bars, leaning on them."Just woke up and already cursing, i really have made an impression on you."
Karl jokes."Yeah yeah, i know you're trying to piss me off but im taking that as a compliment."
I say, he stops smiling and tilts his head."A compliment? Me calling you another version of me is complimenting you...?"
Karl mumbles."Well yeah, you've saved me tons of times, you seem to care about my well being a lot, and you're helping me save Ben even thought the only thing you get in return is some blood...you're a pretty cool guy."
I explain, he starts to have a wide grin and covers his eyes with his hand, making his sunglasses go up."Fucking hell, you say strange shit...i cant tell if i like you or hate you."
Karl says, i smile, but quickly stop smiling when my stomach starts giving off a stubbing pain, i clutch it and wince."Fuck, im hungry...."
I mumble, karl puts his sunglasses back down and moves his hand away from his eyes."Im pretty sure i don't have any food here."
Karl says."Well shit...can i go to the village to find some?"
I ask."What? Hell no, you somehow get hurt everytime you walk out of the damn factory!"
Karl disapproves."If You're really that worried, you can come along with me, i could use someone to keep the monsters away."
I say, I've killed one before and i know i can probably do it again, but i don't think he'll let me leave alone after Moreau and the kidnapping."...fuck it, lets go."
Karl mumbles, i smile."Thank you! Lets go!"
I say, grabbing his wrist and dragging him to the elevator.He presses the button and the elevator starts to go towards the first floor.
"So...good sleep?"
Karl asks."Yeah."
I say, the elevator stops and lets me escape from the conversation."Alright, stay close."
Karl says, opening the door.Time for a food hunt, hopefully there's something less...moldy, at least less moldy than what was left in Ben's bag.
Lady Dimitrescu POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Mother? What are you doing with that satchel?"
Cassandra asks."Im..going away for a short time."
I say, tying the leather strip to close the satchel."What?? Mother, why are you leaving??"
Cassandra asks."Mother Miranda has given me a mission to find (y/n)...she wants to keep them because she assumes they had murdered Moreau, im hoping to convince her otherwise with (y/n)'s help."
I explain, putting my satchel over my shoulder."Mother Miranda wants to hurt (y/n)..?!"
Daniela whimpers, coming into the room."What? No, no! She did not specifically say she wanted harm towards them...i assume, she's just confused of their morals towards us!"
I say, walking outside of my room, Daniela and Cassandra follow me through the hallway."Are you going to take them to her...??"
Daniela asks."Well...that isn't what i am hoping to do, i hope that with their story i can convince Mother Miranda that they did not commit a murder, i am going to find them and hope it all goes correctly to my plan."
I say, walking to the front door."But what if it doesn't go well...what will happen to them..?"
Daniela asks."...that won't happen, i will not let this go for the worse, trust me, daughters."
I say, opening the door."Please be safe, mother..."
Cassandra whispers."Do not worry...i will be back soon, take care of yourselves until i return with (y/n)."
I say, walking out the door, the cold air hits my pale skin, and i look back to see my daughters have left, the cold must've hurt them too much for them to stay."I'll be back...i promise you, my daughters."
I whisper, walking away from my home, where everything i know and love remains...except for one, and i am determined to get them back.Heisenberg has them locked away, i fear what may be their fate if i do not hurry...i will not let him harm a single ounce of them, and if i tries...ill slice his foolish self into strands.

Lady Dimitrescu Vs Karl Heisenberg x reader| A War Over A Human
Fanfiction[this story has a reader with they/them pronouns, also you kinda take place as Ethan] (y/n) was a recruit sent to find out about the sudden drop of population in a certain village, they were told nothing and were sent as soon as they could get them...