This chapter is a bit short, i got a lot of Shit happening and i haven't written a lot lately. That said, i hope this is good.
??? POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The elevator dings and i walk out of it, stepping back on the ground that seeps into my nose and makes me want to gag...the dirt shouldn't have a smell, much less a rotting one.
"The windmill...i should try the gates."
I mumble, walking along the flowered land, i open the wooden doorway and step out of the horror show of a yard for that house.Stepping in the middle of the area, i see more doors, one specifically catches my eye, one door is wide open and a green sludge is over it. When i walk towards it and look, i see the windmill in the distance.
"Here it is...this is where I'll find it."
I say to myself, stepping into mud...jesus, it smells even worse.I power through the disgusting smell and make my way to a small waterlogged village, the same moldy substance sticks on all the houses like moss, and as i go further, i notice everything looks...different, there's moss and green algae all over everything was under the water.
"Hm...i wonder what happened here..."
I mumble, stepping around green sludge, its trailed towards the windmill...something was secreting this sludge, and whatever it was went to the windmill..I pick up my pace towards the windmill, trailing up the extremely soft and muddy slope...its only been a few minutes here i hate this fucking place.
debris of wood litter the area as i finally get to a close distance to the windmill, from here i notice something i hadn't from far away...its standing on small scraps, most of it isn't there, like it blew off.
I wince, getting closer.I step over more sludge and scraps and see a hole in the ground, there's a yellow ladder that's dented from what must have been impact from something hitting it, it could have been the debris everywhere.
"Well....this better be worth it."
I mumble, grabbing the ladder, i don't waste a second in climbing down, it creaks and groans, but thankfully doesn't show any signs of breaking."Down the rabbit hole i go."
I say.I get to the bottom in relatively good time, getting to what looks like a mineshaft, unlike above, this place doesn't look torn to hell, although the grey mold is all over the walls like the house on the hill.
" least its stable."
I mumble, walking further into the mine, i find a large area with a stairway leading to what looks like a half built home, i don't waste any time and walk up the stairs, reaching what looks like a window...the door is on the other side, but it doesn't look like anything I'd want is there.a cage with a small hole in it, a rusty knife on the flooring, a TV...although there's letter beside the window, its not far enough to where i cant reach them and grab it. Once again, there's a note with a cursive 'D' on it...two actually, one has a different color for the D, and it smells...rotten. I pick up the normal one first.
Salvatore Moreau, these are the belongings i wish for you to give the Rabbit. they may come with you if they see the objects they had left here at their home, i hope you succeed, once they are brought home i will inform Mother Miranda of your capability.
So this Dimitrescu person gave Salvatore Moreau the belongings...again with the code name..Rabbit, I don't know if the bioweapon was even given a name, so even if they said their real name, I don't think I'd be able to tell if this is who I'm going for.
I hiss, grabbing the rotten paper and reading it as well.------------
Salvatore Moreau, this is Cassandra Dimitrescu, i have a task for you to take, the rabbit that Mother Miranda had so graciously given us has been taken by the Lord Heisenberg, i wish for you to find them and take them back to our castle.
Mother has agreed to this deal, and Mother Miranda will hear of your success if you return them quickly. I trust we will see you in our castle soon.
- Dimitrescu
Two Dimitrescu's? Twice the problem if i run into them....then again, i haven't wasted ammo on the apposed threats that were supposed to litter the Village, so i may just shoot them down easily if they resist.
The castle in the distance...if Salvatore Moreau really did get this Rabbit person, they would have put them there, right? I guess I don't need to search the entire village down..I just need to head to that castle.
"Hopefully this is the right lead."
I mumble, putting the letters in my pocket and walking down the slopped stairs.This has to be right, it feels like im so close to finding it, nothing can stop me from getting to it...not Salvatore Moreau, not the Dimitrescu people...not even the bioweapon itself.

Lady Dimitrescu Vs Karl Heisenberg x reader| A War Over A Human
Fanfiction[this story has a reader with they/them pronouns, also you kinda take place as Ethan] (y/n) was a recruit sent to find out about the sudden drop of population in a certain village, they were told nothing and were sent as soon as they could get them...