This is the first chapter in a while where (y/n) or Karl aren't fighting something...also writing a flustered Karl was fun-
Karl Heisenberg POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Two...three...four...this should be enough."
I mumble, pushing away the rest of the screws and bolts."Hey, Karl..?"
I hear from the door, i panic and throw my coat over the project."Fucking hell, you scared me!"
I say."Oh, sorry..! I just wanted to check on seemed a little pissy back there."
(Y/n) says, walking in...i did kinda storm off back there."I wasn't mad, just a little on edge, Miranda's getting closer and im working on my soldats to fuck her up."
I say."Ah, alright then, I'll leave you to your monster work, if you need me I'll be in Ben's room."
(Y/n) says, turning to walk away...they're back to being obsessed over that damn kid, they'll just get their heart broken..nothing survives in this hell hole of a village."Why?"
I ask, standing up and following them out."I found some old books in the scrap piles, so i thought since he can eat, he can hear, i can read him stories."
They say, smiling a little, usually i like it when they smile, but when its about the half dead kid...not so much.They open the door to the bedroom the kid is in, and on the foot of the bed is two small childrens books, more colorful than most of the things you'd find in this factory.
"'re sure he can hear it?"
I ask, they sit on a chair they must've dragged here when i was in the lab, grabbing one of the books as well."Pretty sure."
They say, i sigh and sit on the floor beside them.They open the book and smile at Ben, who keeps staring at the ceiling...fucking creepy.
"Ten little kids, happy and free, they lived on a farm with a happy daddy and mommy."
They say, flipping the page."One kid fed horses and didn't move away, they neighed and stormed, and now only nine kids can play....eerie."
They mumble."Normal shit here."
I say, they give me an unamused look and flip the page."All the kids ran into the woods at midnight, the wolves were very hungry, but only seven kids could fight...this is getting progressively worse."
They say."This all Sound pretty normal, wolves are fuckin' assholes."
I say."Is that how you got those face scars?"
They ask."Maybe a few."
I say, they hum and flip a page."Seven little kids who all swam in the river, while four of them came back up, the...the other three had never."
They mumble, before flipping through more of the pages and sitting the book down."That book is all about death."
They say."This village is all about death, seems fit the books are."
I say." gonna make a story up instead."
They say."Go on, your audience is waiting...and getting bored."
I joke."Alright then...once apon a time, there were people who had flowers that would grow from their heart, whatever grew represented their inner selves."
They begin."I'd love to meet the person with cacti growing out of them."
I joke, they chuckle at it."One day, a buttercup was born, the first buttercup seen across the village. They were treated like a trophy, gawked at and stared down wherever they went, they began to be paranoid and fearful of the flowers among them, scared of what would happen if they did not succeed the things the villagers expected of them, their childhood was dodging knives in the dark."
They continue.

Lady Dimitrescu Vs Karl Heisenberg x reader| A War Over A Human
Fanfiction[this story has a reader with they/them pronouns, also you kinda take place as Ethan] (y/n) was a recruit sent to find out about the sudden drop of population in a certain village, they were told nothing and were sent as soon as they could get them...