[R/D]chapter fifty two: showdown

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I got into a car crash, I've has severe gender identity problems, and i am suddenly in the middle of a family war...so yeah, this week fucking sucks-

Redfield POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I quickly close myself in a small house...the demonic infections don't seem to follow me, like they're suddenly more invested in something else.

"(Y/n)...i shouldn't have let you keep that fucking kid, who knows if both of you are safe in there."
I mumble to myself.

I look out the window and see all of the infections surrounding the church...fuck, (y/n) and their kid are trapped in there now, i cant go in guns blazing...not if that Miranda woman is as terrifying as (y/n)'s making them out to be.

"--sudden intermi--hear me? Chief, can yo--"
A static covered voice calls out...my com, its working!!

I immediately pull it out and hold the button.

I call out.

"Sir! Its been an entire day, we thought you went missing!"
A voice says, its clear enough for me to recognize it...canine, i finally got back in communication with my group.

"Canine, this place is not a one man mission.."
I say.

"What do you mean?"
Canine asks.

"Infected animal-like people, hazardous material all over the ground, since the coms dropped I've been trying to get what i need and get the hell out."
I say...that doll in the hill house is still sending shivers down my spine.

"Say no more, sir, we can head in through a chopper, is there any landing plot available?"
Canine asks.

"...there's a church, bigger than any other house in this place, there's a big enough space for you to land at it, I'll be waiting for you."
I say.

"Okay, we'll get you and immediately head back to HQ."
Canine says.

"Wait, we have more than me to get...!"
I say, a small silence lasts, not for long although.

"...did you really find a bioweapon?"
Canine asks.

...im more than sure its them, the way they look, the fact they've survived without a scratch in a place that i, a trained military professional, could barely stand...it has to be them.

"...yeah, i did."
I say.

"That's amazing, we're finally gaining an advantage on the BSAA...! We'll be there soon!"
Canine exclaims.

"I need specific timing, canine."
I say...i need to know if i have time to get (y/n) and the kid from the church without gunpower.

"I'd say...three, maybe four hours. and that's if we hurry from America to eastern Europe...just lay low until we arrive, okay?"
Canine says.

I say, putting down my com.

That's a pretty good amount of time...i can get in without attracting too much attention to myself.

"Fucking hell, you're all like pigs to slop."
A gruff voice growls, i duck down...im in too good of a hiding place to sabotage myself.

"Get out of the damn way! I have a bitch to beat into the fucking ground..like the piece of shit she is."
The voice says...he swears like a sailor..

(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I mumble, she smiles.

"That's correct, Darling, I've been waiting for your arrival since i first saw your wondrous gaze all those weeks ago...adorable, staring at the buildings with such an innocent gaze."
Miranda coos.

She looks down at Ben, and her smile widens...i fucking hate that.

"And you brought a child, i guess you've had a wondrous time here."
Miranda asks, i grimace and hold him tightly.

"...don't look at him."
I mumble.

"He looks like my Lycan experiments, im guessing he is infected?"
Miranda asks.

"...you're behind his sickness, he's turning into one of those sick things you create..! Change him back!!"
I growl, she laughs like the sick woman she is.

"Oh darling, i cannot 'change' him. If he is infected, he will remain infected."
Miranda says.

"Fuck you, tell me how to save him!!"
I growl.

"I would be happy to."
Miranda says.

She sits her class down and crosses her legs, staring at me strangely...i don't like it a bit.

"You see (y/n), you hold a very powerful piece of DNA, a blessing given to you by forces you cannot comprehend."
Miranda explains.

"What?? Fucking crazy.."
I say.

"You must have realized you were not normal at some point, being battered, bruised, beaten...you lived through a plane crashing from hundreds of feet in the air, that didn't seem strange to you?"
Miranda asks.

"...you're fucking with me."
I mumble.

"You are so special, Darling, you are a walking angel among demons...you remind me so much of my child...in many ways, you are...you are my Eva, in a different life."
Miranda says.

I mumble...this is giving me a headache.

"You are like me, you are a powerful God, you had never realized the many times you should have died...i have watched over you through your entire time here, everything that's happened, I've seen it."
Miranda says.

"You're acting really fucking creepy...you're lying."
I say.

"You died in the crash, (y/n)...but that wasn't the first time you died. The megamycite knows your fate, and i see what you have blocked out...what youve always known, but you've been scared to accept."
Miranda coos.

"Fuck off, Miranda.."
I growl.

"Darling...you aren't truly alive..."
Miranda mumbles.

Shes lying...shes fucking lying, Miranda manipulates, i already knew that...she cant get to me...not this time.

"...how are you so sure? Well..?"
I ask.

"Because i can feel your power...you are radiating a power that nobody i have ever met has given off. You can control this power for your own will...you can save this child."
Miranda says.

Save him...? I...if she's not lying...then i can save him...im so fucking confused..

"...i can...save Ben?"
I ask.

"Of course, Darling, you just need to trust me...i can help you with your burden, you just need to put the child down and follow me to my laboratory."
Miranda says.

I can save Ben....but i have to trust the woman i was told to despise...i can walk outside right now and leave with Redfield, or i can follow Miranda and walk into the unknown future...

"Come, Child...i promise you, this is of your best interest, you just need to trust me and follow me to your destiny..."
Miranda says.

Suddenly, the large steel lock on the door flies off and drags into the floor, and the doors slowly open.

"Finally...i've been waiting to beat your ass for a lifetime."
A voice chuckles, as they walk in, i immediately recognize them.

I mumble, he looks at me and smiles.

"And it looks like your nine foot bitch brought my prize...hey there, Buttercup, feeling alright?"
Karl asks.

"Heisenberg, i trust you are behind the Lycan infestation."
Miranda scowls.

"Fuck yeah, its time for revenge, bitch!"
Karl growls.

...it looks like both choices are off the table.

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