(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"huh....where am i...?"
I mumble to myself, getting up, my head hurts.."Hello? Ben..?"
I mumble, looking around, im in a giant room, a chandelier is above me, and im laying on a sofa with a fireplace next to me."Hello?? Ben!!"
I shout, i hear a door open behind me, and i quickly turn to see a woman...a very tall one at that."Hello, thing."
The woman says, grabbing my face, and staring at me, her voice is quiet, but just as terrifying as a loud one."Huh?!"
I hum, she lets go of me and just...stares, a resting dull look upon her face."You must be very confused."
The tall woman says, sitting down next to me."Yes! Where am i? And where did that little boy go..?!"
I shout."Theres no need to raise your voice, thing. The small child is in my lower chambers, his fate is to be told later."
The tall woman explains, a wave of fear and disgust rushes all over me."what...? Fuck no! Get him out of there..!!"
I yell."What power do you think you have over me? I am practically invincible to your petty human violence."
The tall woman says...is she not human? Then what is she??"Why are you telling me this?? For Some sick joy??"
I growl, she sighs, showing annoyance in her expression."Unfortunately, Mother Miranda has forbidden me to take you, as i have already had many humans. Mother Miranda to make me give you away to...somebody else."
The Tall Lady growls...what does she mean by 'too many humans'?"No..no, I'm not letting you take Ben or give me away!"
I yell, standing up, but a rush quickly flows over me, and i immediately fall back on the sofa...i don't feel that good.."You had lost an incredible amount of blood, your shirt is absolutely soaked in it...you are most likely to no use for me anyways, less than a mere meal."
The tall woman says, standing up."Hey...give me Ben!"
I say, trying to calm my now spinning head."I trust you will not leave this spot, as just standing made you this nauseous, i doubt you could even walk."
The tall woman says, laughing as she walks away, leaving me alone in the room."Ben..! BEN!!!"
I yell, standing back up, but i fall on the floor.I need to calm down, i need to stop this horrible spinning, or i won't be able to even get up..
I mumble, slowly standing, i marvelously make it to my feet, slowly by step i make my way to a door.Ben is somewhere in this castle, a Lower quarters...that means he must be in some sort of basement, right? Right!
"I-im coming..."
I mumble, i feel light headed and nauseous, but i can make it, i just need to find my balance..I spot a chalice out of the corner of my eye, a clear liquid in it...its water then, i really need water..i grab it, not thinking a single second before drinking it all, only noticing the bitter and yet still sour taste after i had drank it all...i don't think that was water...but i do feel better.
"Alright, there..."
I say, i don't know what was in that, but..i feel a lot better.I walk better as my vision finally clears, nearing a small door with a lock, but the lock is already in the hole..is someone in here?
I whisper, nobody answers, so i walk in, its a small hallway with beautiful white and gold walls.As i walk into what seems like a childs room, i spot an open hole in the wall, with wooden boards next to it, i guess they're going to repair it...it looks like it leads down, could that be a way to get to the basement?
I call down the hole, i hear a feint growl and my heart practically stops, is Ben in a basement with monsters?!I quickly jump down, landing on my ass but not feeling any pain...not even from my gash, that's...odd.
"Ben! Answer me!"
I shout, walking into the room in front of me.Inside is some kind of mid evil torture place, with horrific tools and dried blood everywhere...i suddenly hope Ben isn't here, or at least that he hasn't been here long enough to see these monstrous things, the poor kid must be terrified....
I shout, only silence answers my calls.I continue to walk along the stone walls, noticing a room with clothing and bags...why are there so many? Is that where our things went..? Then...is that where my backpack is?
I mumble, walking in, i immediately spot three things.My backpack, Ben's bag, and Ben's coat...did they really rip his coat off him? Poor boy...he must be freezing.
"Alright, this is good, this is gr-"
Im cut off as i get tackled down, and i meet the cold white eyes of a monster."FUCK!"
I yell, using all my leg strength to kick the monster off me, once it falls to the floor, i grab my bag, pulling out my pistol and the ammo box."Come on, come on!!"
I growl, taking bullets out as the monster gets back up.It charges at me, and i quickly draw and shoot my gun, letting out a loud bang, i close my eyes tightly and hold my gun tightly in my hand..no noises.
"Did i...?"
I mumble, opening my eyes...its on the floor, unmoving."I did..."
I mumble, getting up...i killed a monster.."Ben...i gotta get him...Ben!"
I shout out, going back to my search.I look at a few more cages, before the horribly familiar flies come in, and a red haired girl appears from the flying pests.
"Ah, there you are, thing, I've been looking for you."
The girl says...why am i thing???"Tell me where Ben is!"
I yell, she grins."your man-thing isn't here, not anymore at least."
The redhead says."Anymore...? Where did you move him to?? Tell me!"
I shout, brandishing my gun yet again."Your silly metal tool will do no harm to me, although you may try if you are stupid enough to think yours is different."
The redhead sneers, making my blood boil."TELL ME WHERE HE IS!"
I scream, she cackles.I unknowingly squeeze the trigger, shooting a bullet directly at the fly woman...her neck dissipates into nothing but flies, and the bullet passes through the hole, when the bullet hit the wall, the flies morph into her neck again.
"Oh, you're amusing, thing! Its a shame you'll be leaving in a few days, angry little humans like you are just so funny to see!"
The redhead laughs.She quickly stops laughing and grips my wrist, dragging me away from the mid evil dungeon and back from where i came from.
"Hey! Leave me be, fly Lady!"
I shout, aiming the gun again, she grabs the gun and flings it into the darkness, acting as if she didn't do it just seconds later."Quiet, thing, i have a feeling you've angered Mother by going against her, I'm very interested to see what she does...maybe she'll go against her word and end up making you a meal, oh, such excitement!"
The redhead coos.If i don't act quickly, Ben will be dead and I'll be who knows where...but what can i do??

Lady Dimitrescu Vs Karl Heisenberg x reader| A War Over A Human
Fanfiction[this story has a reader with they/them pronouns, also you kinda take place as Ethan] (y/n) was a recruit sent to find out about the sudden drop of population in a certain village, they were told nothing and were sent as soon as they could get them...