[R/D]chapter nine: the vampires favorite pet.

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(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Good morning, thing."
Lady dimitrescu says, pulling the sheets off me and pulling the curtains to show light.

I groan, the light hurts on my eyes.

"I don't have many things for humans to eat, and its been so long that i may have even forgotten what they eat, so you may find whatever you see fit as edible."
Lady dimitrescu says, walking out the door, i get up and follow after, although shes already gone, i guess I'll try to find food.

"Hello? Anyone?"
I call out, going down the stairway.

I see a brown haired girl, that must be Cassandra, the one who showed me to my 'room'...it feels more eerie than just an innocent room.

I say.

"Oh, hello, (y/n)..! did you sleep well?"
Cassandra asks.

"Yeah, as good as i could..."
I say, she frowns.

"Its about the child, isn't it..?"
Cassandra asks.

I mumble.

"(Y/n), i am sorry to say that you cant rescue him, he belongs to Angie and Donna now."
Cassandra whispers, patting my head.

"Is he okay...?"
I ask.

"Hes never stopped asking of you, you two seem like such close friends, you're like a parent to the boy."
Cassandra coos.

"At least hes safe...i miss him."
I mumble.

"I know you do, but he will be okay while hes here."
Cassandra promises me.

"While hes here...? Is he not safe once he leaves?"
I ask.

"Well...i wouldn't say hes in danger, but Angie has a problem with being...energetic."
Cassandra says, i feel like my heart stops at those words.

I mumble.

"O-oh, its nothing to worry of! I promise you that you do not have to worry..!"
Cassandra says..what is she doing? Trying to make me think Ben's safe when she just told me the person trying to take him is 'energetic'??

"A..alright then."
I say.

A voice calls out, Lady dimitrescu walks down the stairs, once she sees me looking, she smiles.

"Hello, thing, i trust you've found a meal?"
Lady dimitrescu asks.

"Oh, no Lady Dimitrescu, i was talking to Cassandra."
I say.

"No harm done, thing, Go find something to eat before your human body starts to fail."
Lady dimitrescu says...thats an odd way of putting it.

Lady dimitrescu POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Alright, bye."
The thing says.

"Bye (y/n)!"
Cassandra says...their name is (y/n) Odly fitting in a way, its a very nice name.

"So Cassandra, what do you think of..(y/n)?"
I ask, their name is fairly warm when i speak it out loud.

"They are very interesting, i must say that their kindness is infectious."
Cassandra says, smiling.

"Yes, i guess they are very positive..and kind, as you've said."
I say.

They are very odd, i wanted to use them for my own feeding purposes just a day ago, and just by speaking to them...they're now a permanent resident, safe from the world in this house.

"Mother? You're staring at the fire, are you alright?"
Cassandra asks, i snap out of my thoughts and back to reality.

"Huh? Oh yes, im fine, just tired i assume...maybe I'll rest for a little while."
I mumble.

"Okay, have a nice rest, Mother!"
Cassandra says, i smile and nod, walking towards my quarters.

I make it to my living area and lock the door behind me, sitting on my bed and taking of my hat...what is happening? I feel so..strange, like a child gushing over a small animal.

"What in the devil is happening to me..."
I whisper to myself, i was fine just a few days ago, but for the past day, i feel like somebody completely different...i don't know if that's good.

Its them, isnt it? Maybe a sort of hunters thrill? No...because i felt too guilty to hurt them, i even promised against it, I've gone through great lengths to make them stay in this castle, but why?

(Y/n)...you are a confusing thing, you make me feel strangely, and i cant tell if i even hate it...you are odd, but you are welcome here...forever.

*ring ring*

Hm..? Now who could that be?

Karl heisenberg POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"yeah, what else?"
I ask, Mother Miranda hands me a small folder.

"The rest of the information the Lycans had dragged from the forest. like the rest, it has a picture in it that looks exactly like your new human."
Mother Miranda says.

"Alright, I'll pick them up tonight, right?"
I ask.

"That is correct, although, Alcina had talked about wanting to keep the human for her own."
Mother Miranda says.

"Well too late, i claimed them, so they're mine."
I say.

"Well, if you really insist on keeping it, you may discuss this with her, but i expect it to be settled by sundown, or i may just kill the human off to stop this foolish thing."
Mother Miranda says.

"Alright then..i'll go down tonight, im sure she'll agree."
I say, Mother Miranda nods, walking away and disappearing yet again...creepy, then again, every about her is like a fucking horror show.

I walk to a seat and sit down, rubbing my aching head, the tall bitch really wants to make me mad, doesn't she..?

Im more sure than i am that Lycans smell like shit that Miss 9 foot monster will never let me take anything, especially if she wants it...so, i have a very fun idea on how to get that person.

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