(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Im once again placed in the large room, now that im less dizzy, i think its just a main corridor, as I've noticed the stairs now...i wonder if they're holding hostages up there.
"Ah, there you are, Thing, i was starting to wonder how long it would take for you to get caught."
The tall Lady says, standing from the sofa and smiling with an almost menacing aura."What will you do mother? I would absolutely adore to see you tear them to ribboned shreds!"
The redhead says."Not this time, Daniela, unfortunately this is a guest, Mother Miranda would be cross if i were to...soil them."
The Tall woman says."Oh.."
The redhead, who is apparently Daniela, whines."Go find your sisters, i will deal with the human."
The Tall woman says, the redhead turns into those flies again, and she disappears into the castles air."Now, I'm assuming you tried to escape my grasp because of the child?"
The Tall Lady asks."His name is Ben! he has his entire life to live, so leave him be!"
I yell, the Tall woman smiles."Oh, pardon my manners, you may call me the Lady dimitrescu, since you will be here for a short time, i trust you will use my name when addressing me."
The tall woman, 'Lady dimitrescu', says."..."
I stay silent, staring at her...is she acting like she isn't holding a six year old hostage?!"Right?"
She mumbles in a much more menacing tone."...right."
I mumble."Very good."
She coos, patting my head."Now that we're apparently nice, tell me where you've hidden Ben.
I ask."Im sorry, but i do not think i will...it seems like more amusement to watch you wander my home in search for the child."
Lady dimitrescu says."What?! No, i will not play this game! Tell me where he is!"
I shout."Hm....i have a proposal for you, Thing."
Lady dimitrescu says."...what is it?"
I ask, i have a feeling it'll end in my demise."A hunt, you will hide wherever you may want to, and i will try to find you, if i catch you, then you are to stay here as my cattle, even if another being comes and tries to take you, you will not be allowed to leave this castle."
Lady dimitrescu says."And if i win...will you tell me where Ben is?"
I ask."If that is what you wish, but you will have to stay hidden from my gaze...you are meant to stay here for two days, so since sunrise is nearing very soon, we will say that we will be hunting from sunrise to sundown, does that sound fair to you?"
Lady dimitrescu asks.Will this really work? Or will she rig the game...? It's either this or take my chances being chased by her and those fly ladies...
"...im in."
I say, Lady dimitrescu grins."Well then, sunrise will be here in just a moment, i will allow you to run before i hunt, go along now."
Lady dimitrescu says, i quickly sprint away, not asking a single question.I make it into what looks like a dining room, hiding under the long table the second i see the sun rise, and almost immediately i see a door open, and Lady dimitrescu comes into the room.
"Come now Rabbit, you will have no chance in hiding from me, i know your arm has been harmed, i could smell you the second my daughters brought you to me...its only a matter of time before that scent appears again."
Lady dimitrescu says, my mind races to my arm, noticing the lack of the usual pain since the crash."You wont be able to stay hidden.."
Lady dimitrescu says, walking into another door.I roll up my sleeve to check on my gash, unrolling the bandages and expecting to see the bloody wound, but instead...there's nothing....absolutely nothing
"What the fuck..."
I mumble.I spot a window that shows exactly where i am, if Lady dimitrescu went there, shed see me...i should find a new hiding area, or I'll never win this game.
??? POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Moreau, you could just as well take this human."
Mother Miranda says, i don't pay much attention, from the bits and pieces I've tuned in to, i think that overgrown toddler kidnapped someone, and now Mother Miranda is going to give them away to someone as her punishment."Hey, what about me?! I'm capable...enough!"
Angie pouts, i snicker internally at her outburst...dumb doll, acting like she's actually real."What about you Heisenberg? You haven't spoken a word since you came."
Mother Miranda says."I really don't have a use for one."
I say, Mother Miranda grabs a piece of paper, placing it on a table next to me."Alcina dimitrescu has graciously sent us a drawing her daughters had made of the human, you all may decide who gets the human, but you must decide before two days pass, or she will be allowed to keep it."
Mother Miranda says, before disappearing.I glance at the paper, but what catches my eyes is the familiar face...have i seen them before? I grab the paper from the table, and soon enough i realize..i have, thats the person i was fucking with at the cemetery! I guess the 9 foot terror got to them after i left.
I hum, staring at the paper, the more i stare at it, the more i get an odd idea...i dont think the tall fucko would like me taking their new kidnap victim, and that alone gives me a great reason to wanna do it."I'm taking them."
I say, slamming the paper down on the table."Eh? I thought you didnt want one!"
Angie says."Well ive changed my mind, easy as that, you little crackhead."
I say.i guess i have a new thing to take care of soon, they better hope this goes better than the one i forgot to feed.

Lady Dimitrescu Vs Karl Heisenberg x reader| A War Over A Human
Fanfic[this story has a reader with they/them pronouns, also you kinda take place as Ethan] (y/n) was a recruit sent to find out about the sudden drop of population in a certain village, they were told nothing and were sent as soon as they could get them...