[R/D]chapter forty one: broken hinges.

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I am unbelievably bored, i may write two chapters today.

(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Karl walks out of the elevator and drags me along with him, opening the door to his office I've been sleeping in and pushing me in it.

"There, finally back.."
He mumbles, i look at my hand and see the marks he left...he didn't have to grab me so hard.

"What the hell, Karl?! You won't let me say a damn word and its pissing me off, i have important shit to say!"
I shout.

"I should be the one that's pissed! You went against me and left, you agreed to stay if i helped with that kid!"
Karl shouts back.

"Ben needs help! I'm the only one who seems to be trying, I'm the one who's been in there trying to feed him!"
I say.

"I'm working day and night to help your ungrateful ass!"
Karl growls...he didn't just say that.

"By what?! Disappearing into that Lab after drawing my blood?! What the hell are you doing that helps Ben??"
I yell.

"Its none of your fucking business! You're supposed to stay here and be a good little officer, not go out into your death!"
Karl says.

"Im not your good little officer, im a fucking human, and i want to help too!!"
I say.

"You can help by staying INSIDE. What the fuck made you leave?!"
Karl shouts.

"I've been trying to tell you, but you keep shoving my godamn words back down my throat!"
I shout back, Karl grabs both of my shoulders.

Karl yells, i break.

I scream, he goes silent, before pushing me back.

"You're a dumbass! No wonder you died, you have such a shitty instinct!"
Karl mocks.

"I don't have shitty instinct, you do!!"
I hiss, pushing him back like he did to me, he grunts and growls, glaring at me again.

He's the one who thought disappearing in front of Miranda wouldn't fuck him over, now Miranda's ritual thing could be something about killing him! Im pissed that he Won't listen, i Just want to keep him safe!

"Go ahead! Act like a child! Seems fit for you!"
Karl growls, turning back and walking out, slamming the door behind him.

I immediately regret my words and run to the door, trying to open it, but it doesn't budge...he fucking locked it.

"Karl!! Don't be an asshole, let me out!
I shout, jerking on the doorknob, Nobody answers.

I just fucked myself over...i shouldn't have gotten mad when i started yelling, of course he would be mad, i disappeared in a village full of monsters! I should've calmed him down and explained this...what do i do now?

Karl Heisenberg POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I locked them in the office...holy shit.

"Fucking hell...fuck!"
I growl, walking into the elevator to get to my lab, i push the button and wait.

They can't run off, Miranda would murder them, and i only have a day or so to find a way to keep them away from that tall fucker that's blackmailing me..

"Just a little more time...i'll let them out in an hour."
I mumble, walking out of the elevator and into the lab.

"They hate you."
A voice says...Miranda.

"Fuck off."
I growl, sitting at my desk.

"You've become such a burden, and when they realized, they tried to run...and you captured them, you treat them as you would a bird."
Miranda says.

"I said..."
I pause, grabbing a book.

I yell, throwing the book, it phases right through the bitch and lands on the floor.

"I see no reason of why i keep warning you, every time you think you have found happiness, you crush it with your own hands."
Miranda says.

"..i didn't do shit."
I mumble.

"So you're blaming them? Typical of you."
Miranda scowls.

"Go away."
I growl.

"You can't continue this, your work will fail and you will loose them, and you know you deserve that fate."
Miranda says.

"Go AWAY."
I hiss.

"You have become a horrific monster of a man, and even the one you love more than anything knows you are a horrible person!"
Miranda yells, i turn away and slam my hands on the desk.

i scream, i look over and see that shes gone.

....fuck waiting, I'm getting them out, they wanted to help me with Miranda, i cant be pissed at that...even if i want to be.

They'll want to see that kid the second they're out, i just know it...i should check to make sure the kid is still there, from the creepy shit he's been doing i wouldn't be surprised if he danced his way out of the fucking factory.

(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I slam the hammer against the lock, finally hearing it break the handle, i kick the loose doorknob out and open the now broken door...hopefully i Won't make him even more pissed about that.

I just need to convince him to listen, its for his safety as well as mine, he has to listen to reason...right?

"Where would he be..."
I mumble, looking around...he's probably in his lab, I'll check there first.

I quickly run to the elevator, but when i stare at it, he'd probably just lock me up if he heard me in the elevator, then I'd be stuck again, and probably under supervision....the side railing looks climbable.

"...fuck my life."
I whisper to myself, grabbing onto the giant metal bars, I've never been the best at gym, but a hundred something foot drop under me is a hell of a motive.

I finally get to the next level, grabbing the railing with ease and climbing onto the third floor, i slowly open the door to his lab, walking in as quietly as i can, but as i look around, i notice that there's no sign of him anywhere...where would he be?

"I am in deep shit."
I say, if i don't find him before he sees what i did to his door, he might be even more pissed than he is now.

I spot my backpack on his desk, a piece of paper is folded beside it, a cursive 'D' is written on it...what does the D stand for? Death? Damage? Dominoes...? Im curious...curiosity got me locked in that room though.

I mumble, staring at the letter.

A sudden noise makes me jump, i go outside of the lab and look down the railing to see Karl...staring at the broken door, instead of cursing or calling my name, he growls and walks into the office, i hear crashing and objects breaking...what the fuck is he doing...?

Karl yells, my blood goes cold at those words.

...he wants to kill me...?

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