(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The cold air hits my bandages as we walk on the path of the village, Ben doesn't seem to mind the cold through the coat, but my sensitive gash isn't liking this weather.
"How long until that forest?"
I ask."A little further, don't worry, we'll be away from the monsters in a little bit."
Ben assures me, there's a repetitive feeling of chills on the back of my neck..i don't like it."I feel watched..."
I mumble, looking around."Dont worry, (y/n), if a monster was near we would hear it really quick, they roar like wolves...!'
Ben states.I feel like my hearts gonna beat out of my chest, but maybe its just blood loss? Or hunger? Anything is better than predicting my death.
"Can i have something to eat? I feel..woozy."
I say, Ben nods and grabs a small bread roll from his messenger bag."i don't know how long this has been around...it smells funny."
Ben warns me, i shrug and take a bite, before immediately spitting it out, it tastes disgusting!"Bleh..!"
I spat out, Ben just laughs.After walking a little further, i hear roars...like a wolf, i quickly grab Ben and pull him behind me.
"That's those things..right?"
I mumble, he nods."But They sound really far, so...maybe we're safe...?"
Ben says."Maybe...i hope so. those things are really creepy."
I say."Yeah, really really creepy."
He mumbles, we continue to walk."So, how did you get here? You said you were with special forces, but i didnt see any other special force people around here."
Ben says."I was sent alone, i was originally in a plane but it crashed for some reason, a little forest walking and i got here, funny, a few more minutes in the air and my pilot could've landed and lived.."
I explain."...that must've been scary."
Ben says."Yeah, really scary...but at least i can help this town."
I say."Yeah, we'll be heroes!"
Ben exclaims."Yeah...when im back home, i wanna nap for like, a month."
I joke."I wanna eat a lot of good stuff, like cakes."
Ben says.Ben stops in his steps, pointing to an old graveyard, i look at him in confusion.
I hum."We gotta go through there, after the forest is right there."
Ben explains."...i hate this place."
I mumble, Ben grabs my hand, its so small compared to mine."theres not that bad of stuff here...as long as the monsters arent around, even if they are, you can shoot them and hurt them.."
Ben says."Alright...i'll trust you then."
I say.We pass over gravestones and freshly dug holes, waiting for the people to die..or maybe they've already been dead, hiding from the dirt nap, i would too, burial seems creepy in a way.
"We'll be out soon, we just gotta be careful."
Ben says."Sure."
I say.Ben tries to open a steel gate, but it wont budge, it has a lock and chain on it.
"Damnit! We wont be able to escape this cursed place if we cant open this dumb gate!"
Ben curses, kicking the dirt in anger...i have an idea."...Ben, can you hide?"
I ask."I could...why?"
Ben asks."Im gonna climb the gate and find something to break the lock."
I say...i could just shoot it, but there's a big chance it'll come back and go through my shoulder."Why don't you just lift me up? Im six, i can probably get there faster than you..!"
Ben says."Because i cant lift anything up with my arm gashed open, id just drop you and probably open the wound even more..!"
I explain."Don't fall on the spikes.."
Ben says, i nod and watch as he walks back a bit.I grab the top and hoist myself up with my good arm, using my leg to lift me up farther once im high enough.
"There we g-Shit!"
I curse, slipping from my place and landing on my hurt shoulder, the pain rushes back and i quickly get off of it."Ouch..!"
I whine, grabbing my arm."Are you okay??"
Ben asks."Im good, hide out from the monsters okay? I'll be back!"
I say, he nods and runs off.I walk around, searching for a tool or key that'll get the gate open, hopefully I'll find something before those monsters get back.
"For the last fuckin' time, i am perfectly capable of being in the village, im not some kid that'll set fire to anything i touch!"
A voice shouts from inside a small church, i quickly duck down near a window...do the monsters speak?"Dont take that damn tone with me, supersize! Wh-IAMNOTACHILD!!"
The man yells.I slowly peek inside from the window, inside is an angry man who seems to be yelling on an old timey phone.
"What the..."
I whisper, watching the angry man yell."Do NOT call me incompetent, im not the pale bitch living in the house of castration!"
The man yells, slamming the phone down.I spot a key next to the phone, and it feels like my worries have left..besides an angry man now running around, that's probably the key to the gate..
"shes just an overgrown fuckin' kid....fits right in with her beloved little momma."
The man mumbles, lighting a cigar and pacing around the church.He seems really mad at someone...why isnt he scared of making sound and attracting monsters?
"Dumb tree sized bitch."
The man pouts, walking to another door and disappearing from the area, now is the time for that key..!I slowly open the window and crawl inside, walking as quietly as my feet will allow, once im close enough, i snatch the key and smile, now i can get Ben!
"...the fuck?"
I hear behind me, i jump in fear and turn to see that angry man."Oh, uh...hey."
I mumble, im pretty terrified of what'll happen if i piss him off."..."
He doesnt speak, he just stares at me."I...gotta go!"
I say, bolting to the window."HEY!"
The man yells, i ignore him and jump out the window, sprinting to the gate.I run to the steel gate and quickly put the key in, it marvelously fits and the gate opens up.
I whisper, walking in."Ben, lets go!"
I say, i don't see him anywhere."Ben..?"
I mumble, a loud roar startles me, and i start to get really scared, where's Ben?!"Well well well, you don't look native to here...sure as hell don't act like it."
The man says, i slowly turn to face him as more growls and roars become apparent as he steps closer."...i don't mean harm, honest."
I mumble, he chuckles at this."You? Harm me? Ha!"
The man laughs, a monster appears on the wall next to the gate, but its not attacking..Ben...please be somewhere safe, cause i don't think this place is anymore.

Lady Dimitrescu Vs Karl Heisenberg x reader| A War Over A Human
Fanfiction[this story has a reader with they/them pronouns, also you kinda take place as Ethan] (y/n) was a recruit sent to find out about the sudden drop of population in a certain village, they were told nothing and were sent as soon as they could get them...